How to Live in the Now

Today’s topic is How to Live in the Now

When we do something for today and live in the present, that means we’re not worried about what’s going to happen tomorrow. We’re not stressing what’s going to bring tomorrow, but for today we set a goal for the month and then live for today. So a belief system is something that when we think and desire.  

Your subconscious mind may have completely different information. 

So when we have a belief system created, what we do is when and how it was formed. So when we do hypnotherapy to change a belief or habit, I go back in time (Evoke) to see when that habit started. When you understand the connections (Embrace), the transformation begins to happen to the new and better you (Evolve).

To register for Daily Affirmations, visit

Ready to STEP into The NEW YOU?!

If you’re ready to take your health/life to the next level, I have a New Year’s specials which you or someone you know may be interested in:

Break Through Self Sabotaging Habits

Release Anxiety, Let Go of Limiting Beliefs, and Breakthrough Fears? You CAN! Just 2 Hours will make a HUGE impact in the right direction!

January 9, 2022 – 3-5 pm PST


Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.

HealWithin Kids – helping motherless children 

Heal Talk with Liza TV – if you would like to be a guest or sponsor the show, please visit

Missed some episodes?  They are on my YouTube channel.

Do you know of someone who’s ready to change a habit or needs to heal within? contact me at:

I’m here for you.

If you’d like to connect with the core cause of what you’ve been holding on to, I offer a 15 min Free Consultation. Let’s find out if we are a good fit to work together.

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