Embrace Change – Make a Transformation
It’s time to embrace change. If you want to make some changes in your life and have anxiety about doing it, now is the time to consider it.
It’s time to embrace change. If you want to make some changes in your life and have anxiety about doing it, now is the time to consider it.
Liza talks about a person with cancer that she helped in three sessions and extended her life by another four years.
Many face challenges – but how you conquer, respond or embrace challenges, only to find ways to be happy, is only up to you!
How we perceive things can go two ways. We can perceive them to hold us back, or sometimes, they make us move forward. The bracelet I would like to give you as my gift embraces that idea.
Fredrick Bussey is the author of Breaking Orbit and talks about his book and his life with Liza Boubari on Real Talk with Liza.
What are your goals? What do you want to do? Where do you want to go? Is something stopping you? Declare your Independence! You can do this!
Did you know that there is a difference between promises and commitments? Find out in this episode of Heal Talk Tuesday what the difference is. It might surprise you!
Old habits that no longer work for you can lead you to feel stressed and anxious. Learn how to clear old habits and feel fresh and new. Get the audio recording.
I show you how the child within you can affect your weight and habits and offer tips to help you evolve to your desired you. Get the coupon for the book!