Bye 2022 – Hello 2023

Bye 2022 – Hello 2023

Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.

~ George Bernard Shaw

As we say bye 2022 and hello 2023, all kinds of interesting things are going to be happening in 2023.  A new book of 33 Armenian women telling their stories is coming up and you can be part of it! We are also going to be introducing you to a lot of new guests, so stay tuned.  Thank you for listening in 2022 and looking forward to bringing you more in 2023.

I’m here to help you with the anxieties caused by change and have some tips to make things a little easier.


Stomp on Smoking Workbook – get started today

Stomp on Smoking For Good – Audio self-hypnosis recording

Schedule a Complimentary Consultation: Text I MATTER to +1 818 221 2797 or visit HealWithin.

Daily Gratitude Group:

Get the Compose, Clear, Create 33-Day Calendar – a journey to manifest your desires and create at the HealWithin Shop:

Sign up for HealWithin Membership and get Daily Affirmations. HealWithin membership also gets you exclusive invitations to special HealWithin events, including seminars, Group Experiences, and essential webinars.

Join today!

Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.

Transcript of Bye 2022 – Hello 2023

HealWithin Kids – helping motherless children 

Heal Talk with Liza TV – if you would like to be a guest or sponsor the show, please visit

Missed some episodes?  They are on my YouTube channel.

Do you know of someone who’s ready to change a habit or needs to heal within? contact me at:

I’m here for you.