Creating a Harmonious Environment
Harmonious environment – Discover effective techniques to cleanse negative energy and foster a positive atmosphere in your home and office with practical tips from a seasoned clinical hypnotherapist.
Creating a positive and harmonious environment in your home and office can significantly impact your well-being and productivity. Many of us often feel a build-up of negative energy that leaves us feeling blocked and stuck. Here are some practical tips to cleanse this negativity and invite positivity into your space.
Cleansing Negative Energy
Start with cleansing rituals. Using sage and Palo Santo are traditional methods to clear out negative energy. Light the sage or Palo Santo stick, let it burn briefly, and then blow it out to let the smoke fill the room. This practice is known as smudging and is great for purifying the air and setting a positive tone.
Incorporating meaningful objects into your environment can also enhance the sense of harmony. For example, Liza Jan keeps statues of Guanyin and Buddha, along with crosses, angels, and crystals, in her office to symbolize healing, clarity, and purity. These objects serve as visual reminders of positivity and evoke a sense of calm and comfort.
Sound is another powerful tool for creating a positive atmosphere. Sound bowls and bells can heighten your senses and break the silence, inviting a sense of peace. The sound of clapping can also be effective in releasing negative energy.
Plants are a wonderful addition to any space. They bring a touch of nature indoors and help open the heart chakra, promoting feelings of love and warmth. Decluttering regularly and rearranging furniture can refresh the energy flow, making the space feel new and invigorating. Be mindful of plants that can be harmful to pets.
Lastly, be kind to yourself and others. Use words of endearment and practice kindness in your daily interactions. Small gestures of kindness can create a ripple effect, making your environment more positive and harmonious.
Tips for Creating a Harmonious Environment
Creating a positive and harmonious environment in your home and office is essential for your well-being. Here are several methods to help cleanse negative energy:
- Smudging with Sage or Palo Santo:
- Sage: Light a sage bundle and let the smoke fill each room, paying special attention to corners and spaces behind doors. As you smudge, set an intention to release negativity.
- Palo Santo: Like sage, light a stick of Palo Santo and let the smoke cleanse the area. Its sweet, woody scent is known to uplift the spirit.
- Salt:
- Sea Salt Bowls: Place bowls of sea salt in different rooms to absorb negative energy. Replace the salt every few days.
- Saltwater Spray: Mix sea salt with water in a spray bottle and mist the air around your home or office.
- Crystals:
- Black Tourmaline or Amethyst: Place these crystals in key areas to absorb and neutralize negative energy. Cleanse the crystals regularly by placing them under running water or in sunlight.
- Sound:
- Bell or Chime: Ring a bell or chime in each room to disperse stagnant energy.
- Singing Bowls: Use a singing bowl to create soothing vibrations that help balance the energy in the space.
- Plants:
- Houseplants: Peace lilies, snake plants, and spider plants purify the air and add positive energy.
- Essential Oils: Diffuse essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or lemon to create a calming atmosphere. However, be mindful that essential oils are toxic for pets.
- Decluttering and Cleaning:
- Physical Cleanse: Regularly clean and declutter your space. A tidy environment promotes positive energy flow.
- Rearrange Furniture: Sometimes, moving furniture around can create a fresh perspective and improve energy circulation.
- Visualization and Intentions:
- Visualization: Close your eyes and visualize a bright, white light filling each room, pushing out negativity.
- Set Intentions: Verbally state your intentions for a positive, harmonious space as you perform any of the above methods.
- Fresh Air and Natural Light:
- Open Windows: Let in fresh air and natural sunlight to refresh the energy.
- Regular Ventilation: Ensure your home and office are well-ventilated to keep the energy moving.
By incorporating these practices into your routine, you can create a more positive and inviting environment in both your home and office.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend the Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device for listening. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
Creating a Harmonious Environment Video
Transcript of Creating a Harmonious Environment
Greetings greetings greetings and welcome to Heal Talk Tuesdays.
This is Liza.
Hope you are having an amazing week with
everything that is happening around the world.
In this country. I hope you are finding a sense
of comfort within yourself, clarity, and finding ways to become centered.
So today I want to start by saying thank you
very much from all the emails and messages
and we’re going to do something different today.
And this is what I’m going to do.
I got a beautiful email today, actually it was not today, Monday, yesterday.
And it says, “Dear Liza, I often feel a built
up of negative energy in my home and office.
How can I release this negativity and create
a more positive and harmonious environment because I feel blocked and stuck?”
Thank you for your advice and she goes to say
something more personal and I love the way it starts.
I said, “Dear,” I says, “Liza Jan.”
I know she knows me, but I love this familiarity of being called Liza Jan.
You know, so many come to me, by the way, they
say, “How do I address you? Are you a doctor?”
I am not a doctor. By trade, I’m a clinical
hypnotherapist and stress management consulting.
So by all means, I am not a psychologist or a doctor.
But in different ethnicities, they like to cause someone to go to either therapist.
They call a doctor and even engineers are being referred as doctor.
So I want to make sure that is clear and today
we’re going to talk about clarity and being
centered and I’m going to give you few tips, by the way, dear Maggie.
I’m going to call you Maggie because that’s
her nickname and no one would know if you are
watching today at this very moment at all of you who are watching.
This is what I usually do and I’m going to be
talking about even in my office when I come
on Mondays, I have a ritual for cleansing and
after my clients, I have a ritual for cleansing
when I was doing massages, I had the same thing.
So there are a few things that I think it’s
essential for my office as a healing center.
You know that if you come into my office, I
have the Statue of the Guanyin and then I have
a statue of the Buddha.
I also have a cross, many things, angels, a lot of candles and crystals and yeah, my
books and lots of small little things that
symbolize healing, symbolize purity, symbolize.
Because everything we do in a way is evoking what was, right?
So it’s working with all your senses because
I also have sound bowls in here that I use.
And that in itself creates your walk-in, your
senses are all heightened from feeling absolutely
comfortable or the first time unaware, unknown
and you walk in to the office and all your
senses are heightened, right?
So you are listening, you are paying attention
to what’s around and that’s exactly how we are, no matter where we go.
I bet you anything, you feel the same when
you go to a doctor’s office or a therapist’s
office, either a chiropractor, acupuncture, as it doesn’t matter.
There’s a specific sense because it’s either candles or anything.
So I have some rituals of my own, of course,
I have, as I said, I have a cross being
Christian but it’s not that I practice with Jesus or God or anything but I do have my
small little statue of an angel that is always facing my client.
Before anything, I cleanse my office, my room with
the Jermaine Crystal Oil and it’s a clearing spray.
I use that.
There are times that I definitely sage because
this sage I got it from some of my hikes
that I do every single morning with my little doggy.
So I picked all the sages from the path and I put it together and I did it where.
This sage I burn all the time.
So how do we do this?
We burn it just a little bit and then it usually goes out on its own.
So it’s a wonderful thing to do a cleansing of the room and yourself.
I also use it’s sticks of Paulo Santo which you burn it and it’s also wonderful.
So one brings abundance and clarity, the other releases negativity.
Okay. So I just want it for you to know.
Palo santo also not only it comes in sticks
but it comes in small little, how do we call
it cones incense cones and then when you
burn it you can just burn it and leave it in
a safe maybe in a foil or something like that.
Other times I use nag champa.
It’s a wonderful instance to cleanse a lot of
acupuncturists and natural paths also use nag champa.
It is wonderful for clearing and cleansing.
If you go to downtown you may want one of those instances.
This is also smells absolutely wonderful and
this is nang which has the symbolism of the
Guanyin on it and the guanyin literally is the receiver and the giver, right?
At all times candle which is it’s global
for any time you want anything when you do a
prayer when you meditate candle also cleanses.
So here’s another thing you can do.
It’s clap.
The sound of clap releases and let’s go of negative energy.
It breaks through.
So those are the things Maggie Jan and if you want to do you can.
So smudging the sage and Palo santo sage.
It’s attention.
You can do it in the corners of the room and everything.
It’s a release of the negativity and follow is sweet.
It’s Woody and it uplifts the spirit.
Like anything else ritual soft you can use
a sea soft lamp which I have and I use it in my office and the reception area.
I always have a sea soft lamp.
I love sea soft lamps.
And you can also use sea soft and put it in a bowl and let it observe all negativity.
And that’s a good thing as well.
But literally any negative energy goes in and there.
Replace the soft every few days.
Crystals of course.
Black tourmaline I have and that next to the chair for my client and or amethyst.
It’s absolutely wonderful observes negativity.
So you can do that.
Sounds bells.
You’d be surprised when you want to grab someone’s attention.
In the old days they used to do this to call everyone come.
This dinner time in the old days in the farm lands.
Churches have the bells everywhere you go.
Bell signifies pay attention come come in come to us.
It’s absolutely beautiful and it breaks the silence the tension.
Plants oh my god.
Of course this is my money tree.
Plants are absolutely amazing bringing that
green opening your heart green itself is with the heart charkra.
You’re opening the heart chakra of love, of warmth and kindness.
And make sure you deep clutter every time you
want to do something deep clutter as well.
This is one thing I love to do.
Please share with me if you do this sometimes I
get bored and I rearrange my office furniture.
Either my bookshelf or if it is my home I rearrange my closet.
If you it’s your office move things around.
It’s so good to rearrange things.
Even if you buy a plant and put it in a different place it’s absolutely wonderful.
And make sure no matter where it is.
If you are in a one bedroom apartment and
your office is in a cubicle or you only have
a desk that is a pleasant place that when you come you light up.
You enjoy it.
And even my necklace everything has a symbolism for me.
I was talking to one of my clients last time
and she just happened to mention something
and I said oh that one was given to me by
you know I have a chair that someone who was
very dear she gave that chair to me after her passing.
I’ve got a beautiful wind chime that I got it when
I was walking around with a special friend of mine. So everything has a meaning.
Life is full of the loving meanings you give
and that’s how you bank good memory in there.
And just do that.
Bank good memories.
So visualize how you want your space to look
like from your closet, from your drawers,
from your bedroom, to your home, garden, office space.
No matter where you are when you walk in you
are welcomed with sense and visions, things
to look and that are soothing and calming you.
And make sure there is natural light.
So natural light is always the best.
That’s it Maggie John and yes by the way if you are new to the word John I want you.
To know in our language and Armenian and
Middle Eastern people usually use John or June.
And that’s a form of endearment.
It’s like saying dear Liza we say Liza John or Liza June.
So sometimes it’s good to use words and learn
words of endearment that it’s not so familiar
and you become familiar with different ways.
Like French they say “mon cheri” or “mon cher” and isn’t that beautiful?
Language is the language of love, communication, high tattoo of John.
Oh see I said tattoo of John because I know
her and she’s very dear to me and automatically what we look and that’s life.
So every single day create one empowering,
one loving, one way of being that it’s kinder
to yourself and perhaps to someone else.
And if you can change your words and use kinder
words and I’m not saying loving but kinder.
I don’t like to say be nice.
It’s like really by being kind.
It’s a whole different level.
Kindness comes from insight.
I don’t have to pretend anything.
And for that choose your words.
You can start with yourself because when we think love we wonder what love is.
We all know we want us being accepted, validated
and we want more kindness not only in the
world but with ourselves.
Plus start being kind to your body.
Being kind to yourself because rule of thumb
is choose you because you do matter and I want you to remember that.
Everything we do is evoking from the within,
evoking what was, recognizing, acknowledging.
It so we can embrace this person and there is no perfection in life.
As you see I’m not perfect right?
Even today my hair.
So be the best that you want to be.
It’s not a version.
It’s not somebody else’s way.
So choose kindness.
Embrace all of this and so that you can evolve
to whatever it is that you want to create in your life.
In words indeed, in gesture and in your goals and desires.
So thank you for being here.
And by all means do right.
I read all the emails that come to me.
You can text 818-221-2797.
By the way if you text relax to that you also get a gift from me.
Or you can even message me, text me into this number and I do respond.
By all means you can also email me and and I read all my emails and I will respond.
If you have a question or something that I can be off help with I’m here for you.
So until next week make memories, choose
kindness and go cleanse your room, your office
and your environment.
Bye bye.
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