Every Breath You Take
Every breath you take – not the song, but techniques to make you feel safe and centered. Every breath you take.
So, this is what exercise you can do on your own. Find yourself or come up with a Power word that you like and wherever you are when you recall.
Do you have a time and a place that was so wonderful, so loving, so joyful, that you can bring it to life and remember it? And remember it at this very moment.
And when you do, it’s that remembering that moment, it could be from a week ago, a month ago, a year ago, maybe from your childhood, a place in a time that it was absolutely wonderful.
And bring that to the surface. I bet you anything if you have that moment, we all have a moment. It doesn’t have to be a day, it doesn’t have to be a big thing. It’s just a moment, a glimpse of a time and a place in your life. And it could be holding someone’s hand, a sound, music, or a song that you danced to. I have had many moments like that. And I know I’m banked.
So the subconscious mind also comes to encompass and register and hold in mind and takes it into archive all your senses of a moment where you say, “Bank this moment,” or you say, let’s say, “Lotus.”
Every time I say, “Lotus”, it will remind me of my logo or it will remind me of evoking my emotions and the lotus that opens and blossoms. I am the lotus. But every time I say the word lotus, it will remind me, I am now evoking, embracing, evolving, I am blossoming, I
am expanding, I am over love and kindness.
Just as I use the word “Lotus”, you can use one word as your own power word. Feel free to use Lotus if you want. For today’s exercise, we are going to use Lotus. And that word, when you close your eyes and you say, “Lotus,” and you feel it, and you embody it.
Now, putting that emotion with the motion and banking it, no matter where you are, when you say that word, it just resonates and vibrates. Every essence of you, that energetic line that we call it, the chakras, your energy lines, your being, your essence of who you are.
And it remembers that believe it or not, it will shift your energy, it will shift your attitude, it will shift wherever you are from the negative to the positive.
To the sadness, to more joy, because it embodies that joy, even if you are not feeling joy, it will recall, your body will recall it, your consciousness recalls it. So, this is what exercise you can do.
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
Transcript Every Breath You Take
Welcome to Heal Talk Tuesdays with Liza, where transformation begins as we
evoke, embrace, and evolve.
Greetings greetings greetings and welcome to Heal Talk Tuesdays. This is
Liza. It’s so good to be here with you.
So, how are you doing? It’s absolutely amazing to be right here right now.
You know why? Because in one month I will be celebrating five years of
coming live on Facebook every single Tuesday at 12 o’clock.
This is like, you know, I call it tenacity, and when we talk about Heal Talk
, when we talk about Real Talk, it’s life stories.
The people I interview, information, inspirations that I bring, and someone
just texted me and said, “I love your smile.” You know, every single day, I
do my utmost best to put a story that is inspiring.
It touches me when I go on my path, then when I walk, or hopefully it
touches yours. Because I think about gratitude every single day.
It’s one of those things that I practice. And you know, one of the things
that we take for granted, what it is, it’s called breath, breathing.
There will be a moment that we hold our breath intentionally, like when we
are going under the water and swimming. There are times that we hold our
breath because we’re like, “We see something shocking.”
And there are some times that we hold our breath because we are in fear or
in awe, what love. But how many of us truly realize
that each and every breath that you breathe is a gift.
Truly. That moment, if there was anything for you to be conscious about, is
breath work. There is even a coaching that I used to do that it was breath
work and it was rebirthing.
And I did it many, many years ago, and I may be bringing it back for a
workshop that we lay down and all we do is this constant breathing and
breathing until you realize that your breath
becomes this cycle of in and out, in and out.
And you become more conscious of your
breath and your body and yourself. And
that in itself takes you into a state of it becomes euphoric.
With the euphoria of life. You don’t need
anything to enhance your being, except
it’s all an amazing part of being alive.
And that is the magic for today.
What is it that keeps us living, not
existing? So as I was thinking, this is
exactly the word I want you to think about. How often do you call and catch
yourself saying, as I was thinking.
So is it your thoughts that is you, is your body that is you, is your
emotions you know who you are. The spirit of who you are is completely
embodied inside your body, your breath.
Your breath is what keeps you living .
So, I was wondering what is it that
we were going to be talking about today.
And I realized, what is the one thing that makes an impact in your life?
What is that one story that has made an impact in your life?
When you’re making love or when you
made love, if that moment of that pure
love lust, joy, did you bank that moment?
If you hold a child in your bosom,
if that moment, that one precious moment, if you can bank that moment and
you say, this is the moment.
And you become so engrossed in hands
in love with that moment that the smell.
, the touch, the sound, everything
becomes so enhanced. And yes, full of love
and joy that embodies who you are.
And I call that moment we bank it because there’s times when you are sad,
when you are resentful, when you are angry, all you have to do is close your
eyes and just the same way as when I work with my clients, I say, this is
your magic password or this is your magic word.
And each person has a magic word that I give to them just like when you go
on stage and they say, when I say this word, you are going to do, let’s say
“You’re going to dance.” With my clients, as a hypnotherapist, this is what we
do working with the subconscious mind.
So the subconscious mind also comes to encompass and register and hold in
mind and takes it into archive all your senses of a moment where you say,
“Bank this moment,” or you say, let’s say, “Lotus.”
Every time I say, “Lotus”, it will remind me of my logo or it will remind me of
evoking my emotions and the lotus that opens and blossoms. I am the lotus.
But every time I say the word lotus, it will remind me, I am now evoking,
embracing, evolving, I am blossoming, I
am expanding, I am over love and kindness.
And that word, when you close your eyes and you say, “Lotus,” and you feel it,
and you embody it.
Now, putting that emotion with the motion and banking it, no matter where
you are, when you say that word, it just resonates and vibrates.
Every essence of you, that energetic
line that we call it, the chakras,
your energy lines, your being, your essence of who you are.
And it remembers that, believe it or not, it will shift your energy, it will
shift your attitude, it will shift wherever
you are from the negative to the positive.
To the sadness, to more joyful, because it embodies that joy, even if you
are not feeling joy, it will recall, your body will recall it, your
consciousness recalls it.
So, this is what exercise you can do
on your own. Find yourself or come up
with a power word that you like and wherever you are when you recall.
As a matter of fact, as you are sitting right here, hello Nabila, how are
you? Do you have a time and a place that was so wonderful, so loving, so
joyful, that you can bring it to life and remember it.
And remember it at this very moment.
If yes, just go ahead and do #yes or
just say yes number one.
And when you do, it’s that remembering that moment, it could be from a week
ago, a month ago, a year ago, maybe from your childhood, a place in a time
that it was absolutely wonderful.
And bring that to surface. I bet you anything if you have that moment, we
all have a moment. It doesn’t have to be a day, it doesn’t have to be a big
thing. It’s just a moment, a glimpse of a time and a place in your life.
And it could be holding someone’s hand, a sound, a music, or a song that you
danced to. I have many moments
like that. And I know I’m banked.
Let me give you a story. Years and years ago, I
love the water and I love the sky. If you see any of
my stories that I place on Facebook and I share my stories, it’s with Mother
Nature, it’s the clouds, it’s
the water, it’s nature. It’s the
things that are living that surround
me. So I was in Cabo San Lucas
and I went to the ocean by all means,
they were parasailing. And, of course, I signed up to do parasailing. If you
have done parasailing, oh my god, it’s
the most amazing thing that there is. You
go all the way up and up and up. And yes, you are
connected to the boat and there’s people who make sure that
you were connected. And what’s the worst that it’s going to happen? You’re
going to drop into the middle of the ocean and the model by, I mean, the
motor, the boat, they will come and pick you up and it’s all safe. You know,
that’s how I take it.
I was all the way up and from above,
I could see not only as I was being.
pulled up and up and up, I could see the beautiful ocean side. I could see
the club where we were and I could see all the other hotels and then
suddenly all the hotels became smaller.
I could see the entire area and then I could see way above it was like I
could see beyond where we were. And it’s
just like where you are right here right now.
Wherever you are sitting, realize
that you are either standing or sitting in,
a chair or a couch and you are safe.
You are in a room. You are in this building and maybe in a car, but you are
safe and protected. You are in this community. You are in this city that you
are living in. You are part of that neighborhood. You are part of this
county. You are part of the state.
You are safe, no matter where you are right here right now. Your body is.
safe. Your mind – sound mind is safe. Your heart, your loving kindness. You
are safe with you. I hope you are. That you are kind to yourself and you are
safe in this country. You are safe on this continent. You are safe on Mother
Earth. You are safe as part of this universe.
And all the way back, just like the parasailing, coming back all the way
down as they pull me down and bring me back to shore. And of course we land
on the sand.
And as my legs touch the sand and I am grounded back on Mother Earth and it
reminds me how much we are connected to our core.
Just like a baby that is connected to his or her mother through the umbilical
cord until we are born. When we do breath work, we go all the way to
the first breath that you breathe.
It is amazing. How much of who we are, we
take for granted.
And it doesn’t matter if you are in an elevator. It doesn’t matter if you are
on the tenth floor or the first floor. If you take the elevator, the stairs,
the train, the plane or the car or the
bicycle, you are safe today. You are
safe with you in your body.
And when you come to believe, there are two things in our life. The biggest
emotions that we feel are love and fear.
And when you bank more of love, the moments that you are feeling anxious,
the moments that you feel, you feel out of control. When you feel, you are
going into a panic.
And at that very moment you recall
your word, your moment of love, your
moment of joy, your moment of knowing
that you are safe. It becomes so easy
for you to feel more grounded
and solid and safe with who you are.
There is always a space between who I am and my body, who I am with my
thoughts, who I am with my feelings.
That’s why we say I feel.
You are not your feelings, but you feel. So there is the essence of who you
are and your feelings. So in the
work that I do, I help my clients identify
the things that we feel we can
separate the feeling from experience, especially if it is trauma.
If it is something that happened in the past and realize that we can shift
the feelings and begin the healing once we accept the here and now being
stronger, more solid and
knowing that you can handle it.
Sounds simple, sometimes it is.
And the power of your subconscious is so
much more powerful and soft and loving.
Long time ago I heard the saying that I have embodied it and I love it. It
says, your conscious mind is the masculine energy which is the door, the
giver, the action, you know, what we call it, the way we look, listen and
learn. It’s all the door.
And the subconscious mind which holds space, which stores all that
information, which is the hub is the feminine energy. And when they merge
together, lovingly, you realize the
impact of who you become and what you
want to create in your life can surpass any fear factor that there is.
Because you do matter.
So, that’s my story for today. Realizing
the power within you that can heal,
that can excel as far greater all
the fears that sometimes you feel.
My name is Liza Boubari. By trade on the clinical hypnotherapist, best-selling
author and speaker.
So, if there was anything you would like to shift in your life to go from
what you feel pain to feeling better and gain a better perspective and heal
within, I all means call me.
If not you, share this message with
someone else. I’m always available to be
in touch with you, HealWithin.com or our new site, LizaBoubari.com
Thank you for being here. And thank
you for all my viewers. Keep smiling.
And until next week, God bless you and may
the universal light surround you. Bye bye.
Embracing Change, Embracing Change, Embracing Change
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Heal Talk with Liza TV – if you would like to be a guest or sponsor the show, please visit https://liza.tv.
Missed some episodes? They are on my YouTube channel.
Do you know of someone who’s ready to change a habit or needs to heal within? contact me at: info@healwithin.com
I’m here for you.
Thank you for this. I have my power word and it’s working very well for me, thanks to your talk.