Happiness and Hypnotherapy
Harnessing the power of hypnotherapy to cultivate happiness uplifts the spirit and strengthens the body’s immune system.
Humor and laughter are good for you! Joy, laughter, gratitude, and positive feelings in life contribute to faster healing.
Recently, we discussed humor, healing and hypnosis in Liza Boubari’s blog post, Humor, Healing, Hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy and Healing
In today’s fast-paced world, the quest for optimal health and wellness often leads us to explore innovative approaches beyond traditional medicine. One such approach gaining recognition is the powerful link between hypnotherapy, happiness, and immune function.
Research suggests that hypnotherapy, a therapeutic technique that taps into the subconscious mind, can have profound effects on both mental and physical well-being. By promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and addressing underlying emotional issues, hypnotherapy helps create a more harmonious internal environment, which in turn supports a robust immune system.
Moreover, happiness itself has been shown to have a significant impact on immune function. Studies have demonstrated that positive emotions, such as joy, gratitude, and contentment, can enhance immune response by reducing inflammation, increasing the production of protective antibodies, and improving overall resilience to illness.
Incorporating hypnotherapy techniques to cultivate happiness can further amplify these immune-boosting effects. By harnessing the power of the mind to foster a positive outlook and emotional balance, individuals can create a fertile ground for the body’s natural defense mechanisms to thrive.
Create safe and joyful environment experiences that evoke joy, such as colorful balloons and cherry blossoms, to promote healing and well-being. Did you know that self-hypnosis is so powerful that it can be used in some medical procedures? You can watch Liza have a root canal with no anesthetic at all!
The synergistic relationship between hypnotherapy, happiness, and immune function underscores the importance of holistic approaches to health and wellness. By nurturing our mental and emotional well-being, we not only enhance our quality of life but also fortify our body’s defenses against illness and disease.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device to listen. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
Happiness and Hypnotherapy Video
Transcript of Happiness and Hypnotherapy
Welcome to Heal Talk Tuesdays with Liza, where
transformation begins as we evoke, embrace, and evolve.
Greetings, Greetings and welcome to Heal Talk Tuesdays
and this is Liza, your expert hypnotherapist.
It’s so good to be here with you, isn’t it?
Well, today I’m going to be talking about something that is going to light up
your day, light up this moment, and it’s going to be about joy and laughter.
It’s so funny, right?
That in life we don’t realize how much we talk about
happiness, we talk about healing, and not realizing that
laughter, joy, gratitude, and being grateful just that positive feeling.
So it’s not so much of reading or knowing it’s feeling it and being
immersed in a feeling that an experience helps you heal faster.
In hypnotherapy, one of the things that I do
is I guide my clients into a state of relaxation.
And when we are relaxed, we are open to suggestions, so we are open to receive,
and when we are ready, it incorporates not only consciously, but subconsciously.
So when we want to talk about the patterns of joy, I want to
say humor that delightful ability to tickle your funny bone,
and when you are upset, especially when you are sick, when you
are under the weather, or when I am upset, don’t joke with me.
But if I see something that is funny, it breaks that
monotony, it breaks that, how do I say, the edge?
And it’s not tickling me or doing something,
but something that reminds me of joy.
Now, one of the things that we have, let me shed this volume, I don’t know why.
One of the things that it has been discovered, and as a matter
of fact, in the realm of healing, there is no rigid boundaries.
So when we say there is no rigid boundaries, that means things that are
soft, things that are round, things that are colorful brightening our day.
When you see beautiful bright polka dots, bubbles,
balloons, colorful balloons, instead of a edged something.
So joy is this intangible feeling, it’s an experience, it’s not happiness,
because with joy, it’s that momentary feeling that you have at that very moment.
So I’m asking you, what brings joy to you in that moment, a thought, an
idea, an image, even a sense, remembering a sense someone can pass by.
And if that sense, if that smell of a Cologne of someone that was dear to you
reminds you of something, it reminds your entire essence, and it brings joy to you.
What’s a smile and it can be a real smile, or it can be an internal smile.
So what we have discovered is that even movies do the same thing.
When we look at a yellow car, sometimes you turn around
and say, “What would anyone sit in a yellow car?”
But the mini cars, when you look at the mini cars and they are bright and yellow,
did you know that inside the mini minor
cars, the mini cars that are out on the road,
they have this beautiful flower face, and they have a
flower inside, mostly like a bright yellow or bright pink.
And it reminds you what a joy it is to write in this car.
So the experiment that was done is that joy means that intense momentary experience
of positive emotions, a baby’s giggle when they giggle all, and it brightens your day.
Now TikTok, Instagram, you see dogs and cats playing brings joy, right?
So, in fact, joy is a reminder.
It is a reminder of who we are. That makes not only
your funny bone TikTok, but it’s a natural pain killer.
And not only it brightens your day, it relaxes your muscles
and puts a smile on your face, and smile is a boomerang.
You smile, and someone else might look at you and smile because
your day you enjoy your smile, especially when it’s genuine.
It’s not for the photo op, but it’s a genuine smile.
And when you smile genuinely, when you feel good, when you
have joy inside, did you know that even your eyes sparkle?
Because your eyes are the tunnel that sees everything
and it captures everything. It’s the camera.
And there was a book called “By Norman Cousins”
that it’s about how laughter heals pain.
And laughter is a healing method. And it’s one of
the things that anatomy of all in this as perceived
by a patient and its reflections on healing and
regeneration that was done by Norman Cousins.
Because in the old days, when they didn’t have all these social
media, but they had Charlie Chaplin, they had the Three Stooges on TV.
And if you’re old enough, you will know what I’m
talking about. The cartoon is Heckle and Jeckle.
And Bugs Bunny, because they were pure joy, and that’s
what Disney was trying to do, is bring joy into your life.
Even when you go to Disneyland, it’s all the colors, all the shapes. You don’t
see anything that it’s edgy, and everything that it’s wavy, and it’s round.
There is no cut, because edges are sharp. And when, even
when Disney Lab was put together, and arenas, sports arenas,
they are either oval shape or round or dumb, that’s because
when you are surrounded in that place, you feel safe.
It’s a cocoon. It speaks to your core, and
that’s a pregnant woman, the dome, the cocoon.
And when you feel safe to feel joy, and experience joy from the inside.
So humor being this natural painkiller, that’s why sometimes they say, “Are
you sure that you need that pill?” Because when you believe in the person
that you are with, and it can be a nurse, it can be a doctor, it can be a
coach, it can be a therapist, it can be your partner, when they hug you.
And when they have the best intention for
you, I can give you a placebo. And when your
mind and body believe that this hand, this
pill, this hug is going to heal me, it does.
So in fact, when I do self-hypnosis, and I’ve
done root canal with absolutely no anesthesia,
it’s my mind over matter. It’s my mind over my
body, so that’s why I call it mindset reset.
Which you’re going to hear a lot more on that. And laughter and
humor boost your immune system. Not only they boost your immune
system, and it stimulates everything that gamma production in your
body and the hormones that come back to disease and everything.
But when you laugh this muscle starts moving,
and I think it’s the best stomach exercise
that there is for your abs and all that. Yes, you can have a six pack by laughter.
There’s a few other things you can do that really moves your
abdominal, but this is a PG message. So where does joy come from?
Where in our culture we want to know that joy, we look at
certain things and nature cherry blossoms, as I said, balloons.
Why? Why do hugs and balloons and polka dots
and cherry blossoms and puppies? Actually
today I brought my dog to work with me, and I will call him over. You can see him.
You walk in the door and your dog waggles his tail,
pure joy, and all that. And when you throw the
ball for them, it’s a joy. Why do we do that?
Because it brings us to our beginning as children.
Not only are we safe in a dome, in a safety of ground,
polka dots being ground, colors, colors of rainbow, we feel
good. And there is nothing in life that heals more than
joy and feeling safe and knowing that you are protected.
And what you feel is good. There is no judgment. There
is no one telling you, why are you laughing, why are you
smiling? You know that’s why when we giggle and laugh.
And dance, dance, that movement brings joy to your body.
When you run, if you were a runner, after
the first few steps you get into the groove.
And when you start accomplishing something, it doesn’t happen
on that first day. That’s why when I do my stand up to slim
down, I have three phases, which is the first phases, the evoking,
evoking of what was, which is bringing all the things that.
Was not joyful to you. And if there is anything to peel away, that
has been traumatic, that has been hurtful. And then remind you
on the second phase, so you can embrace everything that you feel.
And it’s okay to feel. It’s okay what you are going through.
And then the next phase is, what is it that you want to accomplish and you do that with
full experience of knowing that once I
receive this I’m going to feel so much better.
Not because others said so, because I am experiencing.
So, does that make sense? Joy is a moment today right now.
You know, I heard something today today, it made so much sense. Money
does not bring happiness. But when you are happy, you attract happiness.
It’s about attracting this abundance, the feeling of abundance. And
that joy and happiness and those moments become the way that you are.
You become the former ang or you receive more of. So, the more you surround yourself
with people who cheer you on, support you genuinely have the best interest in you.
It can be a coach, a therapist, a partner, family member, a friend. Sometimes friends
are so much better than some family friends
and you know that. And then there are family
friends from a way and that you met long time
ago. Like the other day someone congratulated
me and I had not heard from this person in years and I’m like, wow, thank you.
That brought joy to my heart. You know why? Because
when you have a good feeling or a relationship
with someone and they acknowledge you, that’s
a momentary joy and we build on that one. So,
bring more laughter into your life. If you are
feeling down or blue, if you are sad, if you’re
going through a lot of the things that you’re
doing, then you’re going to be a good feeling.
If you’re going through hard times, brighten
your day with flowers, brighten your day with
feelings of elation, create patterns around yourself with patterns and everything that.
You know, in the Greek word, there is a word I have to
read this. It’s called, I stole my, which is the aesthetics
and that feeling in Greek word, it’s called, I stole my,
which is, I feel, I sense and I perceive everything in life.
It’s a perception. You shift your mind and you reset it and
your entire perception changes. So, I hope today’s message
was beneficial to you and you surround yourself instead
of the edgy, cold and gray things with colors, bubbles.
Wiggles, even colored eggs that we might as from a cunt, even M&Ms that
are colorful and sweet and are red, cherry apple and a cherry Corvette.
So, made a healing be yours from within because everything starts with a spark
within you. I hope this message today also brought a spark of joy in your moment.
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So, until next week, I wish you all the best,
no matter what weather it is, rain your sunny,
there’s always the sun shining upon you. God bless
and may do universal light surround you always.
Come here, come here baby, let’s say hello. Now this one brings joy
to you. Say hi. Say hi. Say hi everyone. And this is Sue Winston.
Okay, you don’t like to sit like that. Say hi. Say hi everyone. Bye bye.
Happy, happy, joy, joy, happy, happy, joy. Bye everyone. See you next week.
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