How Dogs Heal Us
Dogs have long been known as man’s best friend, but their role goes beyond companionship. They have an innate ability to sense our emotions, provide comfort, and even aid in our healing. This connection between humans and dogs is powerful and can be harnessed in various therapeutic practices, including hypnotherapy.
Dogs and Our Health
When we think of healing, we often imagine medical treatments or medications, but emotional and psychological well-being are equally important. Dogs play a unique role in this aspect of our health. Their presence can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, offering a calming effect that is both immediate and profound. Much like hypnotherapy, which taps into the subconscious to promote healing, dogs help us access a state of relaxation and emotional openness.
In hypnotherapy, the process often begins with guiding the client into a relaxed state, where the mind is more receptive to positive suggestions. This is similar to the comfort and calmness that dogs naturally provide. They help us lower our defenses, making addressing and releasing deep-seated issues easier. Dogs’ unconditional love and non-judgmental nature can mirror the safe space that a hypnotherapist creates, allowing for more profound healing.
Moreover, dogs encourage mindfulness, a key component in both hypnotherapy and emotional healing. Their presence at the moment reminds us to focus on the present and let go of past traumas and future anxieties. This mindfulness, coupled with the soothing guidance of hypnotherapy, can lead to profound emotional breakthroughs.
Dogs do more than provide companionship; they are essential to our emotional and psychological well-being. Integrating a dog’s calming presence with the therapeutic benefits of hypnotherapy can create a powerful healing experience, helping us overcome stress, anxiety, and emotional wounds.
- Barker, S. B., & Wolen, A. R. (2008). The benefits of human-companion animal interaction: A review. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 3(1), 1-12.
- Serpell, J. (2019). The Domestic Dog: Its Evolution, Behavior and Interactions with People. Cambridge University Press.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend the Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device for listening. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
How Dogs Heal Us Video
Transcript of How Dogs Heal Us
Welcome to Heal Talk Tuesday with Liza, where
transformation begins as we evoke, embrace, and evolve.
Greetings, greetings, greetings, and welcome to Heal Talk
Tuesday. This is Liza. It’s so good to be here with you, isn’t it?
Well, I hope you are having an amazing day, no
matter where you are, you’re having a blessed moment.
Today is, it’s a special day. Why? Because, just like
any other day, because every single day of your life,
as long as you are here, you can see you can hear, you can feel, you
can touch, you can taste every essence and senses of yours, is alive.
That means it’s a good day. Today, I posted something
on my story, and it is the little face of my
dog, because I want to talk about the healing
powers of dogs, because today is a National Dog Day.
On this National Dog Day, I want to celebrate our loyal companions that are
little furries and Polly, and they have this essence and the power to heal us.
I want to talk about how the healing of what I do and
the healing of a dog, how it balances each other off.
So, there are really no words to express the feeling of owning a
pet, especially a dog, because dogs have this unconditional love.
They have this playful spirit and their calming
presence. Have you ever come through the door and
you’ve had a very bad day and the moment you walk
in, there is this wagging tale, just greeting you.
It’s as if all your stresses can melt away just by seeing your dog greet you.
For many, the essence of a dog is more than just an animal, it is this baby.
So, let us tap into it. I want to bring some
of the points that I have. Dogs are and can be
the emotional healers for not only children, as
they grow up with them, but also adults, yes.
And seniors, especially seniors, because nowadays we even have police
officers, even in my city, city of Glendale, California. We have this
companion dog, the community dog that goes to schools that goes to the
senior living, and they just love petting this dog. Of course, he is trained.
But have you ever come home to realize that this, dogs
have this incredible ability to take all your stress away.
And they are playful when you take time, just playing with your
dog, even that five minutes or ten minutes that you play catch.
It’s as if it’s the dog, the ball, and you, and nothing else matters. That
moment you go into a zone state, just like hypnosis. It’s like a zone state.
Nothing matters. You’re a part of everything. You’re in a park, you’re in
your backyard. You’re, you can be in the backyard of your house in the street.
But when you’re playing fetch, oh my god, the joy of your dog running just
to catch that ball and bring it back, not only their mesmerized, so are you.
So, because dogs have this ability to reduce stress and elevate
your mood, this simple act of petting a dog can lower your
cortisol level, which is the stress level, and also release
oxytonum, which is the love and the therapeutic levels in your body.
When we connect with a dog, we experience unconditional love.
We have more conditions with our children, with our parents, with
our siblings, coworkers, friends, that when we have with a dog.
There are so many who worry about their dogs
wellness more than their own. And if you are a dog
owner and you’ve experienced this by all means,
share with me what is the things that you do.
We saw, I have a friend. Actually, I was one of them. My time away from my dog
and my dog’s wellness, how long he’s going to be in the house, so he is not alone.
And I worry about him being alone in the house. It’s like, okay, it’s
already five hours. Okay, six hours maximum, I don’t want him to be alone.
And yet I go to bed and he sleeps as long as I’m in bed and he wakes up. He does the
paw for me to get up so I can take him for a walk at seven o’clock in the morning.
So he’s in a way also my clock to wake up. But when I’m asleep,
he’s asleep unless there’s something that he needs to bark about.
So this therapeutic effect of a dog, it’s, as I said, playing with a dog, it’s
absolutely that game of fetch. It’s very therapeutic. Playing is therapeutic.
Dogs also encourage you to move, taking your dog
for a walk. It doesn’t matter if you’re on a path
that you go, you go hiking, you go around the house
around the corner, or you do your three hours.
A hike and your dog is with you, you go into trails, the dog
is with you. It is absolutely amazing for your body’s movement.
Actually, it’s been sad. You know, one of the remedies about
depression is when you feel depressed, get up and move.
And it can go the opposite because somebody who are going through
depression and become over here for me to help them through hypnosis and
hypnotherapy to overcome the depression is when I say get up and move.
Do one thing. They say I have absolutely no strength, no stamina.
Neither do I even feel like moving, but when you have a
dog, believe it or not. And it doesn’t matter if you’re
depressed or happy, you do get up to take care of your dog
because their needs become a bit more important than yours.
So walking, running, simply playing with your dog, it’s
absolutely amazing. And I’m using for those who feel depressed
or down. Having your dog sit next to you, or when they lay
on your lap and your petting. Oh my God. It’s just amazing.
You’re petting your dog. You know this caressing? You
don’t even have to hum because that simple caressing.
And when they roll over and they show their tummy to
you, that means I completely and utterly trust you.
And you rub their tummy, which in a way that motion
of rubbing their tummy is an internal process because
you’re subconscious also feels the same as if rubbing
the tummy. That entire massaging, rubbing caressing.
Not only they feel loved, but it is a very loving gesture of
you connecting and your body feeling that soothing strokes.
And of course, when you’re rubbing and if you giggle and if you tickle them,
they start doing their pause and their way of smile makes you smile. So
do you see how this beautiful cycle? And it’s like a circle that goes round
and about, round and about, of loving, nurturing, healing, playing, joy.
And it’s a creating this place of safety,
which one another. That’s absolutely amazing.
I remember having a dog when I was a little girl and then I’ve always had dogs.
I’ve always one dog, never more than one dog. I guess
because I’m an only child, I brought one dog. I don’t know.
Never thought. Actually, I did think of bringing another dog
so they are companions, but my one dogs became my special.
And they’ve always been small and, homie, not
an outside dog. So dogs are a bridge. I like to
bridge this and say, dogs can be embraced from
mindfulness because they live in the moment.
What happened yesterday, a week ago, it’s not something that they worry about just
like humans. They don’t even think about what happens and our from here or tomorrow.
And they are very much present. You walk with them.
They are present for that moment. They sniff, they
pee, they do whatever it is at that moment. So I like
to call it. They are fully immersed in the present.
And their mindfulness can be very contagious
and teach you something because when
they are present, you look at what they’re looking at unless you’re on the phone.
But being present with your dog, you learn what they smell, how
alert they are and you become alert. My dog, it’s like he can hear
the coyotes as fast as I can hear them. And he knows there’s someone
behind us before I do so. They are also a protective mode for us.
So it’s whether you’re watching your dog, gleefully run after buddies, birds
or anything that it’s moving, it brings you to this moment of presence.
So, of course, dog being the companion,
especially for seniors. I know the best thing
I did after my father’s passing. I had a dog, my chute too. My Bodhi was with me.
And after my dad died a year and a half later, I moved in with my
mom. And of course, Bodhi was with us. Bodhi was a part of our life.
And I’ve always rescued all my dogs. So to me, rescuing a dog,
it is the most precious thing to do. And it doesn’t matter.
If you purchase them or not, dogs are dogs. So that died. I moved in with mom. And a
few months later, my dog, Bodhi passed away. And he went into doggy heaven, right?
So it took me about six months, seven months, and I
had promised myself not to bring another dog because
emotionally I was spent, I had already put down
three of my dogs. I was like, you know, that’s good.
Mom was so attached with Bodhi, she loved him
dearly. So, six months later, I’ve got that
edge started going to different places and
seeing dogs from one, a kennel and everywhere.
And told the matchmaker of the dogs the rescuer, I’m ready. We
tried a few dogs, it didn’t work. And until I got to see this
one dog and it was the mummy of Winston, which I have right now.
And I was going to bring a female dog in. I go to see that one.
And Winston comes to my leg, literally grabs and starts playing
with my pants, the bottom of my pants. I look, I fell in love.
There’s a saying that we don’t choose our pants,
they choose us. And I think it is one of the most
beautiful things because when I brought him home,
my mom is like, oh my god, this is a puppy. Yes.
When he came home at 10 weeks, the pee and the poo poo and everything for the
six, seven months of our life at home with my mom, poor thing. It was like,
I thought my mom is going to throw me out of the house or the dog or both
of us until we got through all that until two years old with the chewing and
everything and all the baby stuff. Now he’s almost six years old and the most precious
thing that there is. I think he is more of her dog than my until I walk into the door.
So realizing the gift that they are, not only therapeutic
presence, help you become loving, takes you out
of depression and gives you time to play and be
present with yourself and forget about everything else.
And in conclusion, I want to say, I won’t give up
anything to be with my dog. Dogs are far more than
just being pets. They’re healers, companions, teachers.
I learned more from my dogs than anything else.
And they’re loyalty. It’s unsurpassable. So whether you’re
dealing with stress, recovering from trauma, simply seeking
to deepen your connection with joy. Dogs are your best friend.
That’s why they have been labeled as such. And they are.
So I can say happy, national, dogs day to eat
every dog owner because you have the best gift
in life. And they bring us love, joy and realizing
there’s so much to live for in this world.
So let’s go and greet each and every day with a waggy tail. And until
next week, which you will be surprised when I come live next week because
of where in the world I am, I look forward to connecting with you. Stay
tuned and please subscribe to my YouTube channel. It’s Liza Boubari.
Check my blog. The link will be right here in the bottom. And I
look forward to connecting with you again and again. Thank you
for all the emails and the messages. And until next week, God
bless you and made a universal light surround you always. Bye.
Thank you. Yes, until you want to put the harness on the insist on mom. That’s their
playfulness, Adrienne. That’s what makes you irritated and then laugh. Bye bye.
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