How to Use EFT – Tapping to Relieve Stress
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), often called “tapping,” is a powerful tool for emotional healing that has gained popularity worldwide.
How Can EFT Help Me?
Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a powerful stress relief technique. Tapping is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.
Stress is also detrimental to your immune system because when stressed, your immune system’s ability to fight off antigens is reduced, and you are more susceptible to infections. Tapping helps to lower stress, and in turn, allows your immune system to do its work!
Tapping on these meridian points (the same used in acupressure) while you think about what is causing you stress helps your mind understand that you are not in any physical danger. It is safe to relax, reducing cortisol levels.
The Nine Points of EFT
- Karate chop –
- 3rd eye –
- side of the eye-temple –
- under the eye –
- under the nose –
- chin area –
- collar bone –
- under the arm –
- top of the head.
What is EFT
The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a holistic healing method that blends modern psychology with ancient Chinese acupuncture principles. Developed by Gary Craig in the 1990s, EFT works by tapping on specific meridian points on the body while simultaneously focusing on a negative emotion or limiting belief. This process helps release emotional blockages, reduce stress, and restore balance to the body’s energy system.
The roots of EFT can be traced back to Thought Field Therapy (TFT), created by psychologist Dr. Roger Callahan in the 1980s. TFT introduced the idea that tapping on certain energy points could relieve emotional distress. Gary Craig, one of Callahan’s students, simplified the technique, making it more accessible to everyone. This evolved method became known as EFT.
Over the past few decades, EFT has gained global recognition for its effectiveness in treating anxiety, PTSD, depression, and even physical pain. Numerous studies have shown that tapping can calm the nervous system, reduce cortisol levels, and rewire the brain’s response to stress. Today, EFT is used by practitioners, therapists, and individuals worldwide to release emotional pain and promote emotional freedom.
- Craig, G. (1990s). Emotional Freedom Techniques Manual
- Callahan, R. (1980s). Thought Field Therapy Development
- “The Science Behind EFT,” Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2012
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend the Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device for listening. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
Related Posts and Videos
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
Transcript of NAME OF VIDEO
Greetings greetings greetings greetings and welcome to Heal Talk Tuesday.
I’m Liza and today we’re diving into something
that it’s going to inspire your mind and also nourish your soul.
So it’s so good to be back right here, live with you.
If you are here by all means, show me with an emoji, you can even say hello.
I would love to turn this session today and make it more interactive.
Today we’re going to be talking about one of
the techniques that I have used and if you have.
Even heard of it is called Tapping EFT, which is emotional tapping.
And I’m going to give you a very basic way of how that works.
Plus, come October, we’re restarting and
reconnecting with our clientele and we welcome new people into our group sessions.
So the first Saturday of the month we’re going to
have our group meeting right here at HealWithin.
If you are anywhere in the LA area by all
means, I’m going to put the link over there for
you to check it out and by all means register and be with us.
And lastly, I’m going to end with a powerful quote.
Now wouldn’t that be great?
So let’s begin tapping.
I’m sure you’ve heard of it.
It’s one of the tools that I use has a
hypnotherapist and stress management consulting.
I like to call it my Felix the cat,
the black bag that anytime I need to, I pull
tools and techniques to help my clients with anything that I can.
Now tapping became very prominent long time ago,
over 10 years ago and it is called Emotional Freedom Technique.
So it’s got nine points on our body that we
start with and it’s to release stress, overcome
some anxiety that it’s happening at that moment.
And I usually give it to my clients and I have
them recite what it is that they are challenged with.
And then right after you say what is bothering
you, you turn around and also give the power.
Suggestions that you accepted and you are ready to let it go.
So here are the nine points of how we do
technique, the EFT or the tapping technique.
Allow me to also say on each point we’re supposed to tap seven times.
So you have nine points and you tap seven times.
First and foremost, you tap, we start with what we call it, the karate chop.
It’s like right here.
So let me give you the points first and then say how we do it.
First you do right here, it’s the karate chop in between this collar right here.
There is this like a small little dent and you can
either do it this way or you can do the tapping.
So it’s seven times, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Now the second point is right here, you know
how when you something happens you frown.
So it’s right here, it’s the third eye, you tap right there.
The second one right after that is right here.
So you go from here to here, right at the temple, there’s a small little dent.
That’s another pressure point we tap right there.
Right underneath that is under the eye and you tap right here.
Usually do it with three fingers, it’s not
supposed to be very hard, but it’s gentle enough
to tap right there.
Right after that, the other point is under your
nose, right above the lip and you tap right there.
And from that point on the other point is
under the chin, releasing what is it that you.
Speak, validating what you speak through in these, okay?
Right after this you come down, you go
straight here, but you go onto your collarbone and you tap on your collarbone.
You can even hear it when you tap on the collarbone.
Right after the collarbone, you go right under your arm, it’s the armpit right here.
And for women who wear bras right here and you just tap in there and the last one is
our crown chakra, which is the crown center of the head.
So you tap right here.
Again, so it’s starting from here, two, three,
four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, nine
So after you do all the tapping, you start with, let’s say you have a challenge.
Even though I am feeling stressed, I am ready to let this go.
And though I feel stressed, I know I can handle
this, handle because it’s the hand, I can handle this and let it go.
So you can start with something very basic and
do all the points and make sure that you repeat all points.
If you are in public, if you are going through
some kind of anxiety, your stress and you.
Need to get a hold of yourself, all you need
to do in order for you not to be obvious,
this is what I help my clients, they practice doing this is this part.
I can handle this.
I am in total control.
I can handle this.
I am in total control.
And if you are not tapping, which tapping is
the best way to do, you can do it like it’s
a violin, it’s the bow and you’re just doing
it very gently, your mind, which is the
thumb finger, goes straight into the center
of your hand and you hold on to that and you
do the bow.
And gently you can just be at anywhere in the car if you’re feeling anxious, if you
are studying for something, if you are going to be speaking in public.
So when speaking in public or when you’re
doing something like that, the best thing is the triangle.
So you put your fingers and everything into a triangle, the mind
together, the body together and you turn it into a triangle.
Most speakers if you notice, you will see them
doing this cross finger like this and they’re just sitting right there.
So they’re solid in a triangle in total balance of mind, body and of spirit.
But if you are needing to release and wanting
to make sure that you can handle something, you do this.
So this is one of the most simple techniques because why?
Our mind and our body are connected at all times.
I know you can’t do sub hypnosis all the time.
The way I do it, I can go in and out of hypnosis because I’ve practiced it so much.
I tap into my subconscious mind and I can literally drift into hypnotic state.
It’s a hypnotic state.
I’m not asleep because I am more in control in that hypnotic state that ever before.
So learning how to do self-hypnosis can also be very powerful.
Does that make sense?
Hypnosis is so powerful that it’s mind over body, mind over body, tools and techniques.
That’s all they are.
There is no wu-wu anything.
The same way as I hypnotize myself in the
endodontist chair and I can have root canals
which I’ve done eight of them with absolutely no anesthesia.
It’s mind over matter.
I do this self hypnosis localizing only that
one part that he’s going to do the surgery
or the root canal.
And I have absolutely, I feel it, I know it,
I hear it, I sense it but there is no pain
factor and I can easily become one with the entire surgery or the root canal and then
I heal much faster which I can also teach you this.
Again, nothing but tools and techniques.
You have the power within yourself.
All you need is probably how the learning
process, how to do that and you too can accomplish this.
So tapping is very powerful.
It’s one of the things that it’s become one that a lot of people use it.
It’s linked to releasing stress, anxiety even when you want to sleep.
You can tap and say I am a total control of my mind and body and I am ready to drift.
Into sleep, drift into sleep.
We don’t grow anywhere, we drift into.
So even the words that you use is very powerful and
how you associate consciously and subconsciously.
With certain words, your subconscious hears it, accepts it and acts for you.
Makes it? Okay, so tapping is truly proven to reduce stress.
Even it can help lower cholesterol, blood
pressure because at that moment you’re saying
I am in total control of my mind and body.
I can’t release or I can bring my blood pressure
for the next 10 minutes, one hour, lower and lower.
And then you have in your mind what is the number you want it to come down to and your
body would automatically bring it down for you.
I can also teach you that if you want at another time, please be in touch with me.
So the last thing is, oh, not the last thing.
Make sure that you sign up for our workshop,
October 5, it’s going to be from 10 until 11 30.
Sometimes we go over here until by the time we start and end.
So give yourself approximately 90 minutes to maybe two hours maximum.
It will be held in my office.
RSVPs are required because of due to seating and space.
So sign up.
It’s going to be very powerful.
We’re going to do self-hypnosis and I’m going to teach self-hypnosis.
And oh my God, October is going to be amazing.
I have a fantastic guest next week and October
we’re going to have more interviews, more
tools and techniques for you.
And we’re revamping Heal Talk Tuesdays.
Lastly, a quote.
One of the best quotes I read the other day
and I want you to know is says, stop sitting
there with your hands folded looking on doing nothing.
Get into action and live this full and glorious life.
You have to do it.
And when I read that and stop sitting there
with your hands folded looking on doing nothing.
And then it reminded me of something I remind
some of my clients especially the young men who come in here wearing their nikes.
Just do it. The sign of Nike.
This check Mark.
If you think of anything else and anything
that you want to do, just remember Nike said so.
Check Mark.
Just do it.
Their logo speaks volume.
So what you want in life, you can’t move forward going backwards.
So stop sitting there with your hands folded.
Get up.
Let’s do it together.
You want to get on a journey of health and wellness.
Join me. Come to the group or you can even message me for one on one sessions.
And until next week, I hope this message today’s session was beneficial to you.
If you want to learn anything, if you want
to know more about anything by all means, let me know.
Until next week, God bless you and may the universal light surround you always.
Bye bye.
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