Obesity Solutions Through Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy offers a unique and effective approach to tackling obesity by addressing the root causes of unhealthy eating habits and promoting lasting lifestyle changes.
Obesity Solution: a Testimonial from a Client

Dear Liza, you have simply been a blessing for me and thanks to your expertise, kindness and talent, I now know that what used to be a weight problem is over for ever. Had I known that hypnotism was the key to finally stop the yoyo dieting, I would have done it many years ago… and saved so much frustration, time, etc… everyone, If you are wondering if this could be your solution, don’t hesitate for a second and do it with Liza. We all know there is a certain amount of shame associated with the feeling that we can’t control our weight, our eating habits, our emotions…. Liza will make you feel at ease and understood from the first second you meet her. She is caring and dedicated, she celebrates your success as much as you do. She is simply terrific and thanks to her, I finally feel free from twisted relationships with food and so happy!!!
Obesity is a growing global health issue, often linked to serious conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.
Traditional weight loss methods, including diet and exercise, can be effective but frequently fall short due to underlying psychological factors. This is where hypnotherapy emerges as a promising solution.
Hypnotherapy, a therapeutic technique that uses hypnosis to create a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility, helps individuals access their subconscious mind. By doing so, it addresses the root causes of overeating and unhealthy lifestyle choices. Hypnotherapy sessions for obesity typically involve guiding the individual into a relaxed state where they can explore and modify their deep-seated beliefs and habits around food and self-image.
One key benefit of hypnotherapy for weight loss is its ability to help individuals develop a healthier relationship with food. Hypnotherapists work with clients to identify emotional triggers for overeating, such as stress, boredom, or sadness, and replace these responses with healthier coping mechanisms. By altering the subconscious patterns that drive unhealthy eating behaviors, hypnotherapy can lead to sustainable lifestyle and eating habits changes.
Furthermore, hypnotherapy can enhance motivation for physical activity and adherence to a healthy diet. Reinforcing positive affirmations and visualizations helps individuals overcome mental barriers and stay committed to their weight loss goals. This holistic approach targets weight loss and promotes overall mental well-being, boosting confidence and reducing anxiety.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend the Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device for listening. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
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Obesity Solutions Video
Transcript of Obesity Solutions
Welcome to Heal Talk Tuesdays with Liza, where
transformation begins as we evoke, embrace, and evolve.
Greetings, greetings, greetings, and welcome to Heal Talk
Tuesdays with Liza. It’s so good to be here with you, isn’t it?
Today, we’re going to be talking about something
that has become very important because I’ve got
more testimonials and calls and everything on
this saying, thank you for talking about weight.
As you know, by trade on the clinical
hypnotherapists and stress management consultant,
especially working on panic and anxieties, emotional, eating, and also confidence.
Because if you don’t have the confidence within you, there
is no way that you feel good about anything that you do.
So, when I work with all my clients, I make sure that I also work in boosting
their confidence. We all have confidence because it’s something that we project.
And weight is some of the things that so many of us
want to hide or we want to make it absolutely amazing.
So, we walk and show up with a lot of confidence
because we like our body image and we like ourselves.
So, today I’m going to be talking about something that has
become very prevalent in our world and that is obesity.
By the way, did you know that obesity is one of the biggest things
because worldwide, over 2.8 million people die each year due to obesity?
I could not believe it. 2.8 million die because of obesity and being overweight.
On Netflix, I was watching a show and it’s about anorexia.
So, it’s almost the same mental aptitude and control
issue obsession, either about eating or not eating.
And when someone counts calories on how much juice is, how much water intake
or how much a piece of small little bite of even a fruit, one grape will have.
And here is showing this one girl’s journey about anorexia
and how many times she’s been in and out of rehab.
And I also watched another one about food and how food becomes the
nurture of the comfort for those who go into obesity and overweight.
You see, the work that I do as a clinical hypnotherapy is tapping into
the subconscious mind because there is always an emotional connection
to either feeling good about our body and/or wanting to diss and we
dislike the body, dislike the image, dislike a little bit of fat in here.
Or, as we grow older, it becomes loose and how we must build the muscles.
Bottom line is, if we think about it, why is it that we overeat or not want to eat?
So, the result of obesity, we’re going to be talking
about obesity because the emotional eating that we do,
how it is connected to gaining weight and then when
someone gains the weight, they feel bad about themselves.
And the cycle of feeling bad is coming to resentment when resentment comes to
self-punishment and when it comes to self-punishment is like feeling hopeless.
Like, I can never do this.
I don’t know if you resonate with this or not.
And I had a client say, “6, thinking that she is overweight and I’ve
had a client add 280 pounds that she resent herself for all the weight.”
And of course, as we have been working together,
tapping into the subconscious and working
through hypnosis is peeling layer and layer of all the
guilt and the shame she has been hoarding, into her body.
So, it’s not only how we hoard the things in our home, but hoarding
inside, it’s like constantly stuffing it and it’s not enough.
So, I want to share a few things.
Overweight, the result of that can be high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, heart disease and of course, which leads to stroke.
I don’t want to alarm anyone, but that’s what obesity is.
When we are, like one of my clients, when she’s 5’4″ and
she weighs over 250, there is something that it’s off.
And she’s done all kinds of yo-yo.
She’s done weight-watchers, she’s done Lindora,
she’s done band-band, she’s done it all.
And then gained it all back.
So, when if you or someone you know has done this
yo-yo and feel resentful and a hopeless, I want you
to know, when you get to this overwhelm, there is
that underlying reason why you’re keeping eating.
And even in my bulk one of the things that I say is there’s two parts to us.
One is the thinking part and the other part is the observing part.
But before I go and talk about the thinking, the observing and how I bring
them together in my course of stand-up to slim down is give you another thing.
Type two diabetes is another leading cause of obesity.
If you have type two diabetes or on the borderline, you need to be watchful.
Asthma can also be created because of weight.
Definitely when you are overweight you cannot sleep very well.
And the changes that happen in your lung function.
Hopefully you’re not overweight and smoking.
So, the liver disease, I know so many people say, “Liver kidney
from alcohol and is affected very much because of alcohol intake.”
But also weight, those who are overweight also
have discomfort. They cannot sleep very well.
And having joint arthritis, one of my clients needs to have an knee surgery,
but she needs to drop over 40 pounds in order for the doctor to do the surgery.
So, do you see how one thing leads to another and it’s affecting another?
It’s affecting your knees, it’s affecting your legs, it’s
affecting your organs, plus not feeling good about yourself.
So, you can have endometrial, you can have colon disease, it can lead
to digestive problems like gallstone problems, gallbladder disease.
And of course, we’re not talking about depression and other symptoms.
So, those are the symptoms that obesity creates again.
You can also fall.
And fall in itself is another part that is hard on the body.
So, what can we do?
What can we do is to realize the part of you that’s the
thinking part is analyzing, judging, criticizing yourself.
And your observing part is observing, what is it
that you’re tasting? What is it that you’re touching?
What is it that you are feeling?
So, what we do is bring those two together so
that there is no judgment, but recognizing.
When you eat, why you eat, and what is it for?
So, because when you get to that point of sadness and feeling disappointed
that things are not working, I want you to know that there is a solution.
And the solution is you.
Is, hi, Jazanjans, thank you, thank you, I love you too.
And either eating or not eating, it’s saying no to yourself.
It’s hurting yourself. It’s hurting your body.
So, the first thing we do, the word is kindness.
Becoming kinder to yourself.
And instead of eating so much or eating, when you
start eating, recognizing that you can eat a whole pie.
And feel as if the whole, that whole is still not satisfied,
we come to understanding the satisfaction comes from you.
What is it that you want in life?
And if things that you didn’t get, what is it that you can do for yourself today?
Peeling layers of emotions to understanding what is it
that you need to feel or feed that has not been fed.
Again, it’s an all-mental desire.
It’s not the hunger, it’s not what you eat, but what’s been eating at you.
And that’s what we work.
So, first and foremost, some of my clients are amazed that they
stop smoking on the second session that the urges are not there.
And the same thing can happen with food.
Because food is just a band-aid. Believe me, it’s just a band-aid.
It’s a good band-aid, but it is not a band-aid.
So, in my book, one of the things that I talk about is literally not only
the statistics you start writing like a chart when you dropped weights.
Yes, and drop weight, not losing because loss is such a bad feeling, right?
I’ve talked about this so many times.
And it sometimes it sinks in and sometimes it doesn’t.
So, what is journaling?
It’s not journaling about the things who you talk to, where
you went, who called, who didn’t, what you did all day.
A part of it is.
Not journaling and keeping a record of being the change
is becoming aware of what is the change that you want.
It’s called realistic.
From 240, you’re not going to come and be 140 in nine weeks or in three months.
But how we do is gradually we come to recognize
where you were, what are the patterns?
When you get upset, what do you do?
When you are sad, when you do, when you are angry, when you are
happy, when you do, because those are the observing parts of you.
Recognizing that your emotions and certain patterns in your life, or maybe the
people you are with, if you are with destructive environment, what happens.
If you go on vacation, what happens?
When you surround yourself with a whole different people, what happens?
Every aspect of your life, not only physically, mentally, emotionally,
but at work, how you respond, I know at work, it’s still me.
But the way I respond for the things that are not happening
is not the same as when I respond when I’m outside.
So, even having the sensation of comfort and calm,
it comes from within yourself knowing all is good.
But am I safe in my body? Because the anorexia, when someone
is having anorexic tendencies, they count every single calorie.
So, it’s like that’s why they are unfortunate,
bone, and they still think, not good enough.
I’m not beautiful enough. Right? So, and the
overweight feeling the same. I’m not good enough.
Underneath, even though it may be projecting outside, but inside.
And it’s not so much the confidence, it’s the self-esteem.
Believing in yourself, knowing that you deserve to look good,
to feel good, and have a healthier body image and a body.
If food is the culprit, we work on that. If someone hurt you long time ago
and without realizing, now you are hurting yourself, we peel away those two.
But online, if you are not dealing with the trauma, the pain, and
the hurt, then this yo-yo cycle keeps coming over and over and over.
You will pack it on, you will add it on thinking, this
is going to keep me safe. Thinking, this will protect me.
All the while, you are resenting yourself.
I want to read a testimonial. A testimonial that I received just a few days ago.
And I’m going to place this testimonial on my website so you get
to see this. Sorry. I’m going through so that I can hear it is.
Dear Liza, you have simply been a blessing. This is a testimonial literally. That came.
And thanks to your expertise, kindness, and talent, I now
know that what used to be a way problem is over forever.
And I know that hypnosis was the key to finally stop
the yo-yo dieting. I would have done it many years ago.
And saved so much frustration, time, etc. Everyone, if you were wondering if
this could be your solution, don’t hesitate for a second to do it with Liza.
We all know there is a certain amount of shame associated with the
feeling that we can’t control our weight, our eating habits, our emotions.
Liza will make you feel at ease and understood from the first second we met.
She is caring and dedicated. She celebrates your successes. That’s
what I do. I celebrate every success. And as much as you do.
She is simply terrific. And thanks to her, I finally feel free
from twisted relationships with food and so happy with myself.
This is a testimonial center from her iPhone that I got just yesterday.
So I do walk the walk with you. And when I say stand up
to slim down literally, that’s the work we are doing.
Because after years of therapy, understanding the psychological
connection to food, to body image, because I used to be
the same. Believe me, I would get on the scale every single
day. And if that thing went over 120, I would be miserable.
So with my body mass and everything exercising, plus checking your hormones,
checking and making sure that your hormones are in place. Everything is
intact because sometimes your hormones, especially women at my age when we go
into this point of menopausal or premenopausal, bladder facts, hot flashes,
up facts. So there is so much about us as women. Of course everything has to
happen to us as women. When it affects us, we tend to take it much harder.
So today’s message is, not only there is hope,
there is more than hope. There is solutions.
So let us stop the yo-yo, weight gain and losing, and stand up for who we are.
Isn’t it time for you to show up lovingly, kindly and be happy with yourself?
I believe the answer is yes, especially with the summer coming.
So if you like this message by all means, share
it, like it, and yes, do subscribe to our YouTube
channel, Liza Boubari, and I look forward to
bringing more messages of health and wellness.
And next week I’m going to be interviewing
someone that it will be absolutely wonderful. So
until I see you next week, God bless you and
may the universal light surround you. Bye-bye.
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