Putting Anxiety in the Cloud
Cloud? No, this is not about putting your anxiety into Dropbox or Google Drive; it’s about putting your anxiety in the clouds and letting it drift away. Watch the video as Liza leads you in a relaxation technique to take you from level 10 to level 5.
Anxiety can often feel like a heavy burden weighing down our minds and hearts, making everyday tasks seem daunting and overwhelming. However, there’s a powerful technique that can help you lighten that load and reclaim a sense of calm and tranquility: hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to addressing anxiety by tapping into the subconscious mind and accessing deeply ingrained thought patterns and beliefs. Through guided relaxation and visualization techniques, hypnotherapy empowers individuals to metaphorically place their anxiety in the clouds, allowing it to drift away and dissipate like wisps of vapor.
By envisioning your anxiety floating away into the sky, you can create a mental space where worries lose their grip, and you regain a sense of control over your emotions. As the clouds carry your anxiety away, you’re left with a renewed sense of lightness and freedom, ready to embrace life with clarity and confidence.
Moreover, hypnotherapy equips you with valuable coping strategies and relaxation techniques that you can incorporate into your daily routine, helping to prevent anxiety from returning with the same intensity. Whether it’s deep breathing exercises, positive affirmations, or mindfulness practices, hypnotherapy offers a holistic approach to managing anxiety and promoting overall mental well-being.
So, if anxiety feels like a storm cloud looming over your life, consider harnessing the power of hypnotherapy to put your worries in the clouds and watch them fade into the distance. With dedication and guidance, you can navigate through life with greater ease and serenity, leaving anxiety behind where it belongs—in the vast expanse of the sky.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend the Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device for listening. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
Putting Your Anxiety in the Cloud Video
Transcript of Putting Your Anxiety in the Cloud
Welcome to Heal Talk Tuesdays with Liza, where
transformation begins as we evoke, embrace, and evolve.
Greetings greetings greetings and welcome to Heal Talk
Tuesdays with Liza. It’s so good to be here with you, isn’t it?
Today, I am going to share something that is
absolutely amazing and exciting and you know what?
This is what life is all about. What creates excitement for you?
And a lot of people talk about passion and I know some
people turn around and say, “Well, what is passion?
How do I get excited?” So in life, I want you to think about
something that has stressed you and something that has excited you.
And when something is exciting, you feel good.
Actually, it creates endorphins in your body.
And when something is creating anxiety, it creates a sense of feeling down and sad.
So today, I had a client, a young boy at age 14 who was
brought here to me with high anxiety, ADHD, and everything.
Sitting over here, he had a lot of questions,
which I love. I love young folks, teenagers,
children who are so open-minded and yet apprehensive about what is it that I do?
How I can help them? What is hypnosis? And how do
they go into a state of relaxation? Because what
they have seen on social media and what we even as
adults, the things that are unknown can be scary.
What I did was I shared with him how his mind is just like this phone and I know who
have talked about it, how the brain is that little chip inside this phone and all the
apps and the pictures and everything else is just like our thoughts and experiences
and how he can delete some stuff, which is his anxiety because it’s in his control.
It’s not that he loses control, but through a deep state of relaxation,
he can learn how to control his thoughts, his sadness and his anxiety.
And he said, “Well, show me.” You know, I love
showing for them to experience what it is.
And I said, “Just sit there with your hands right
there on the side of the chair. I want you to imagine
that you can move your head without moving, that you
can move your fingers without moving your fingers.”.
He did that and he says, “Okay.” And I said,
“What if right now you just create or you tell
me what is your anxiety level?” He said, “What
do you mean?” He said, “From one which is zero,
hardly there to a ten, which is when you go into that state of anxiety?”
What would you say is your anxiety now? And this is how accurately
he said it. He says, “When I walked in here, it was a seven. Right
now, it’s about eight because I don’t know what’s going to happen.”.
And I said, “What if right here sitting in that
chair you can drop one number and bring the
level of your anxiety from eight to seven just
like when you walked in? Could you do that?”.
And then he said, “Okay, I did it. I think I did it. How would I know I did
it?” And I said, “Well, it’s your choice. It’s in the palm of your hands.”.
And he can put it in the palm of your hands and would you do that and he places
his hands and he kills his hands because you can do the same thing right now.
You can take your anxiety, your stress level
and just imagine whatever it is you can
drop it in the palm of your hand and just close it and he can just hold on to it.
And that’s what he did just as you can.
And it doesn’t matter if it is an anxiety, if it is
stress, doubt, worry, guilt, shame, whatever it is, those
are nothing but thoughts that come and go and just place
it right there. It’s a feeling. It’s a feeling you have.
And once you have it, you can hold on to it and just keep it right there beside you.
And I said, “Okay, what if you bring that anxiety
level one more number down to six? Could you do that?”.
He says, “Give me a moment.” And then he brought it down to six. And I
said, “What if we bring it just like a seesaw right there in between?”.
Not up, not down, nothing, just pure balance and if
you bring it down to five, can you do that for me?
And then few seconds, not even a minute. He says, “I got it.”
And I said, “Isn’t that magical that you have full control?
Your thoughts, your emotions, your anxiety, your
doubt, whatever it is, you have full control.”.
Now close your eyes and he did. And I said, “Would you
please place your hand, not the one that you have all
of that in there, place it, put it in the other one
and hold on to it and place your hand on your heart?”.
And I said, “Would you please do a pledge, a pledge of
allegiance?” And he looked at me and he says, “Well, I do know all
the words to it.” And I said, “It’s okay, but this one is a
different one. Would you be okay with that?” And he says, “Yes.”.
And I want you to place your hand on your heart, the only heart
you have, the only one that you feel with, the one that pops.
And pop, palpitates for you. That beats for you. And as you
place your hand on your heart, just wear a moment and say, “I put a
allegiance to accept and appreciate myself for all that I am with
all my heart and all my thoughts and this incredible body of life.”.
Because I’m out of him. He did that. And you know what
he said? I had tears in my eyes because he says, “Now,
why is it that we have to pledge to the flag and we’re
not taught in schools to pledge to ourselves first?”
And if we could do that to ourselves every single day, and if you could
do that to yourself and pledge allegiance not to harm yourself, not
to hurt yourself intentionally, knowingly or even unknowingly, and you
will realize that self-care, self-love, self-kindness starts with you.
If you want to manage any stress, if you want to manage anything,
start with managing your heart, your mind and focus on you so
that you can bring down that anxiety level, that stress level and
put it in the palm of your hand and then shift it to this hand.
And then you can even do this and realize that by doing this,
you can turn it into a game and send it up into the cloud.
You know, I started saying clouds, sending
negative thoughts, stressors, all the doubts
and worries and everything into the cloud so that the white clouds can take it away.
I started saying this over 20 years ago, and today
there is a real cloud that we store our photos in.
There is a cloud that has been created that you store all the information and
documents and you put it in the cloud
believing, believing that it is safe, right?
It is your cloud with your name or whatever name that you name the
cloud and yet it is in the cloud, which is outside of yourself.
And although you believe you have control, you
have no control over there except the belief.
And I want to urge you to start this belief because what is belief?
It is all thoughts coming together that when you repeat it and you own
it and you take self, you take ownership of it, it becomes your belief.
And it doesn’t matter if it is right or wrong, just
like the placebo, it is what you believe will help you.
It is what you believe that it’s right or wrong, even if it may not
be right or wrong according to someone else, but it is your belief.
And because of your belief, to know that you can heal, that you can be better,
that you can be stronger and you can accomplish anything, that’s what matters.
You know, last year they said, “What is it that you
want Liza?” And I said, “I want to become a jet setter
so that I can go and speak on different stages and
make a bigger impact in the lives of many more.”.
And tomorrow I am flying to another destination
to make an impact in the lives of so many.
And I have been invited to Dubai, which was a dream place,
never on my regular scale of MAP or the desire to be this year.
And yet, what could be bigger and better than to be invited on like a mini Ted Talk
with CEOs and influencers, HR directors from global places that it’s unheard of.
And I have been invited, I am honored to have been invited
to be on that stage with other leaders and influencers.
When you want something, send it to the cloud.
When you want to let go of something in order for that’s what
we call manifestation, know it, believe it, and then release it.
And you will know by hoarding it and putting
all that stress is not what comes reality.
It’s by loving kindness and allowing that becomes your reality.
So it’s not about you, I will believe it when I see it.
But in your heart, see it, know it, and the reality
will make sure that you come to your belief.
What I want to say, thank you for all my speakers,
I’ve been telling you something amazing is coming.
And this is the amazing today I am announcing that I will be
on stage with this struck Dubai and I’m flying out tomorrow.
So stay with me, follow me, I will be with you, I will showcase
and bring to you a lot of incredible not only speakers,
interviews and even places that I will be going.
So I look forward, you can ask me questions, you can anything I will
be with you and I will post more pictures for you starting tomorrow.
Until then, if there’s anything heavy sitting on your
heart, set it free, let it go, send into the clouds,
and ask the wind to take it away and hold your dreams and your belief system.
Until next week, I bid you goodbye, next week I will be with you from Dubai.
Oh my god, it even rhymes, I will be with you from Dubai.
So until then, I won’t be with you a Mother’s
Day, so all to all the Mums and the Mothers,
no matter what you do, what you feel, I want
you to know that you are loved and cared for.
And to my mom, I love you. See you next week. Bye bye.
It’s short and sweet today.
HealWithin Kids – helping motherless children
Heal Talk with Liza TV – if you would like to be a guest or sponsor the show, please visit https://liza.tv.
Missed some episodes? They are on my YouTube channel.
Do you know of someone who’s ready to change a habit or needs to heal within? contact me at: info@healwithin.com
I’m here for you.