Relationships and Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy can help overcome emotional pain from past relationships, such as loneliness, abandonment, and attachment issues. It can help rebuild self-esteem, confidence, and positive beliefs.
Thank you all for all your emails and messages for my birthday! Thank you always for your messages, for listening to my podcast, and for subscribing to my YouTube channel.
Recently, we discussed Valentine’s Day in the Liza Boubari blog post, Valentine’s Day and Hypnosis.

Attract Love
As my Valentine’s Day Gift, I invite you to download.
Miley Cyrus and the Grammys
Miley Cyrus won two Grammy Awards for her song “Flowers”, which is about self-love and empowerment. Did you know that I met Miley’s father, Billy Ray Cyrus? He was at a country-western club 25 years ago.
Valentine’s Day and Relationships
Valentine’s Day is often associated with grand gestures of love, extravagant gifts, and romantic dinners. While these traditional expressions of affection are certainly meaningful, hypnotherapy is a lesser-known approach that can profoundly impact your relationship.
Hypnotherapy, a therapeutic technique that utilizes hypnosis to access the subconscious mind, can be a powerful tool for strengthening bonds between partners. By tapping into the subconscious, hypnotherapy addresses underlying issues that may be affecting the relationship, such as communication barriers, unresolved conflicts, or emotional baggage.
With Valentine’s Day around the corner, couples can leverage hypnotherapy to enhance their celebrations. Whether you’re looking to reignite passion, improve trust, or deepen emotional intimacy, hypnosis offers a unique approach to relationship enhancement. Imagine spending Valentine’s Day with a deeper understanding of your partner and a stronger connection forged through hypnotherapy.
Strengthening Bonds Through Hypnosis
One of the key benefits of hypnotherapy for relationships is its ability to improve communication. Couples can learn to express their needs and emotions more effectively through guided hypnosis sessions, leading to greater understanding and empathy. Additionally, hypnosis can help couples resolve conflicts by addressing underlying issues and promoting forgiveness and reconciliation.
Improving Intimacy with Hypnotherapy
Intimacy is a vital component of any romantic relationship, and hypnotherapy can significantly enhance it. By releasing inhibitions and increasing emotional openness, hypnosis can create a deeper sense of connection and intimacy between partners. Whether you’re looking to spice up your love life or strengthen the emotional bond with your partner, hypnotherapy can help you achieve your goals.
This Valentine’s Day, consider exploring the transformative power of hypnotherapy to enrich your relationship. From improving communication to deepening intimacy, hypnosis offers couples a unique and effective way to strengthen their connection. By prioritizing the health of your relationship and investing in hypnotherapy, you can create a Valentine’s Day to remember—one filled with love, understanding, and profound connection.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device to listen. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
Relationships and Hypnotherapy Video
Transcript of Relationships and Hypnotherapy
Welcome to Heal Talk Tuesdays with Liza, where
transformation begins as we evoke, embrace, and evolve.
Greetings, greetings, greetings, and welcome to
Heal Talk Tuesdays. This is Liza, your expert,
women’s wellness, and hip-hypnotherapist. How are you doing?
I hope you are safe and sound if you are in California,
you are experiencing something that most of us are
not seeing if we are not living in the back east,
which is a lot of rain and a lot of destruction. But today
we want to talk about healing and we want to talk about love,
because no matter what is happening around us and how compassionate we want to feel,
there is also something that it is more loving and it is
accepting whatever it is happening and coping with it,
dealing with it and knowing that it is all good and it will all be right.
So today I want to talk about love, I want to talk
about healing, and also I have a great gift for you,
so stay tuned until the end so you can receive a
gift from me, and I’m going to talk about my blog,
which I would love for you to like and share and
subscribe to my blog post on,
because it is your shares and likes that helps me grow and
know that there is a difference that I make in your life.
So let’s start this. I myself, I’m not wanting
to watch Oscars and Grammys and any of that,
but this Sunday I happened to turn on the Grammys and
first in the beginning and then I was busy until the end,
which I was watching and you’re thinking, “Liza,
why are you talking about the Grammys?” Hope,
because I’ve been watching Miley Cyrus since the
time that she was a kid and singing with her father,
and then yes, her other songs that made
headwaves and made other people turn their head.
Yes, she’s done a lot of things, but so many of the singers have.
And here’s what I was smiling about.
Miley got two Grammy Awards and she got one in the beginning,
which was for one of her songs and at the end for the record of the year,
but the song that made an impact in my life last year,
and I guess it resonated because music is feelings,
and I know you will attest to this. Music moves us. Music,
the words, the lyrics, everything touches our heart,
and that’s called love because when we feel it, we feel love. We feel a connection,
and it reminds us maybe from old love, who hasn’t been in
love, haven’t you been in love and had at your heart broken?
I bet you had. I know I did. From the time I was a kid,
puppy love, high school, and then college years, and
then of course I got married, love, and then divorce,
and you know love changes, and every experience,
every relationship, my relationships after that,
and I was with someone for the longest time. We
never lived together, but it was a different love,
and to this day, even for my birthday. It was the second
person who texts me and wished me a happy birthday,
because it’s a different love, and it continues. We learned so much
from one another. Good, bad, right, wrong, and emotionally up and down,
but today I know that there was love. And even as a domestic abuse consultant,
when I work with my clients, it’s even in that relationship, the
reason we don’t leave is because we believe there is more love,
and we can handle so much more. But there comes
a time that you have to safeguard yourself.
So today I wanted to do a short talk about Valentine’s, even my blog
post on is about one of my clients, Martha,
that she came to me and how she didn’t want to have a relationship for
fears, and then how through help notes is she overcame and became stronger,
and how the power of hypnotherapy and working
through your past experiences, healing
through that helps you move forward in life as I am ready to move forward in life.
I know a few days ago was my birthday, and thank you so much
for all the texts and messages, and to me, that is love.
And I appreciate it, and it was very much heartfelt. So today
we’ll talk about this, and I will give you some pointers.
Hypnotherapy, in a way, offers a unique and powerful venue
and Avenue for individuals to overcome emotional pain.
I work with mental emotional pain, yes, the physical
is a reflection of what we feel and what we think.
So when we hold on to things, if we start peeling
away, understanding, acknowledging, evoking the
pain internally, then it becomes easier when we
shed it, that the physical weight also comes off.
So from field of relationships, facilitating a
journey towards overcoming it and becoming stronger,
confident, right, and being joyful and happy, that
abundance of love is what we are all looking for.
Who doesn’t want to be loved or loved and feel loved and know that we are loved.
So when relationships and that emotional wound
lingers, that’s affecting our self-esteem.
That affects our daily routines. We become hermits. We don’t
want to go out. Perhaps you have been in that shoe, that
after a divorce, a breakup, it feels like you want to cocoon
yourself to a place that you don’t want to see anyone.
You don’t want anyone to see your pain and you just want to feel as
if I want to take care of myself to go into that bare hug, right?
Because when you delve into that subconscious
mind of yours and coping with everything that
has happened in your life and realizing that
there are three points that connect and affect us.
One of them is, it reminds us, if you’ve experienced this,
perhaps you have, from the childhood times, an abandonment issue.
Usually that’s dormant. We don’t know it, we don’t feel it, we don’t
think about it until there is a relationship and there is a breakup.
And when there is that abandonment, it’s, but what is the emotions connected to
that is fear, it’s anxiety and which puts us in that point of feeling lonely.
Loneliness is another one, that fear of rejection and because we
don’t want to fear the rejection, you hibernate, you withdraw and it’s
like leaking your own wound where all you want is truly someone to see
you, not necessarily rescue you, but to hear you, to understand you.
And that in itself is one of the most common
universal fear that I see in my clients is
that feeling of loneliness not being heard,
not being seen and you’re afraid to show up.
So that struggle that goes internally becomes
this internal struggle that is projected outside.
Because loneliness can be absolutely difficult and emotionally training.
That fear of abandonment is more about
fearing the possibility of future loneliness.
So we either repel or we cling on. And too much of a cling on, it’s like
leave me alone and when they push your way, you feel I’m being rejected.
So that most of this time comes from triggers, something triggers
and I believe it’s an unresolved issues from past relationships.
Not everything is about our parents, it could be a
friend, it could be a neighbor, it could be a cousin,
it can be from a teacher, it can be from someone
that you admire or you look up to and what they say.
And a gesture, a word, a look and what they represent to you, you internalize
it and you come to believe that what they said or what they did is true.
And since as children, we are like sponges, we take that in and
perhaps you incorporated it or you believe somewhat abandoned you.
Maybe that’s the story that you took an
internalize and never healed us through that.
Maybe they left for the right reasons and you had something to do with it.
Right? Because it takes two to tango, I know that. And it’s not
about finding fault, but perhaps finding how you can find the love.
I know my divorce was difficult, my breakups have been very
difficult. When I was in it, I was in extreme fear walking on
eggshells to a point that would one relationship I had to hide
under my desk in order for him not to come inside my office.
So, but today, if I see that person and when I see that person, I have no problem
smiling and saying hello because the trigger,
what triggered me then, it’s not avoid.
I have healed so much to come to the confidence and finding inner inner
inner inner strength that I know how to help you get to that same level.
So, either loneliness, abandonment or attachment issues. Those are all some
information stored in the subconscious and you, yes, you can heal that.
I want to share something that I started with and
those are the words that resonated with me with my
lysirus from her breakup. She wrote a song that today
she got the Grammy Awards and it is about self-love.
So, the song is flowers when you listen not only to the song that
makes you dance and makes you move and just movement releases
negative energy. That’s why exercising, running, dancing, anything
that is just sitting and mourning outside of there’s a time to mourn.
There’s a time to heal and then it’s time to move and when you come to the movement,
those are the words, we were good, we were gold, kind of dream that can’t be sold.
We were right till we weren’t built a home and watched
it burn. I didn’t want to leave you and I didn’t want to
be. I started to cry but then I remembered. I can buy
myself flowers and would put right my name on the sand.
Talk to myself for hours and say things you don’t
understand. And I can take myself out dancing
because I dancing my office, I can dance in my
car, put the music on, blast the radio and sing.
And when those tears come flowing out, I
want you to remember those tears or tears of
cleansing, feeling, knowing of I matter that I
can do this, that I can overcome and I can heal.
Because no matter where you are, bottom
line ends, you got to care for yourself. And
hypnosis, hypnotherapy sessions are often
involved with that relaxation technique that I
do when I take you deep within and incorporate
loving suggestions so you can become
kinder to yourself, tapping into the subconscious
mind and figuring out what you’re doing.
And figuring out the triggers that perhaps a year ago, 10 years ago, 15
years ago, 20 years ago, I don’t know in your childhood affected you.
You took it as the power words to be or the feelings to be in you, allowed that
boomerang with other things that happened in your life and it doesn’t have to be.
Because you do deserve not only a loving relationship, not everyone is
bad, not everyone is there to hurt you. And building that trust within
yourself, trusting yourself to know the difference of the good, the
bad, the right, the wrong, the loving, and the ones who are not loving.
And it’s okay, it truly is okay to say no and put your hand out.
And you turn your hand and you say, you know what? That’s that.
I surround myself with my love and my light and I take care of me. Having
a fresh perspective and addressing, reframing the limiting beliefs,
that you have today, that has created a block. We unblock, we peel
away like a jenga, take away and remember that the foundation is love.
There is no therapy, it empowers you to rebuild
your self-esteem and your confidence and with
positive suggestions and positive new belief in
yourself and the life that you want to build.
You know, thinking grow rich, the book is all
about that, is think and then grow rich. And
self-development, self-help, everything is
all about belief within and then project out.
So that’s what heal within is all about. And when I work
with my clients, I say believe in yourself and trust in
my ability or you can trust within yourself and have a
faith in 30, actually not 30, 23 years of doing this work.
I’m so used to my number three, that was about to say 30 years of doing this.
But healing journey is within. And ultimately, hypnotherapy helps you to
feel and know and have the powerful tools and techniques within yourself that
once you have that healing, once you overcome and feel good about yourself.
Just like the way I do, myself have known you can be anywhere and you
can just take yourself into that state of knowing and being, being loved.
By addressing the root causes, you breathe free from, I don’t want
to say chains and shackles, but paths and journey from the past.
Love is what we all want. Stop and smell the roses right? Yes, thank you.
Hi, Minas John. Actually, someone, long time ago,
told me, there’s a fine line between hate and love.
I didn’t know until our relationship came to that and there was times
that I hated him. And that’s because I loved him. And I loved hating him.
And I hated loving him. Does it make sense? And it took years of healing, not being
around that person to be strong enough to stand in front of him and say hello.
Because now, I found the trust within. And my gift to you for valentines is
Cherish yourself and Cherish the ones that you have loved and you have lost.
And the ones who loved you and were with you because even in the most loving
marriage, sometimes there’s arguments. But it doesn’t mean we love each other less.
And when there’s time that it’s no longer bearable, there’s no reason to hang
on to it that old myth of you made your bed and you must lay in it until, right?
And I think taking responsibility for one another and
working through because love is something that we nurture.
And that’s what relationships are. We’re on the same boat. We don’t just jump ship.
Just because of an argument. So on this valentines, if you are
with anyone that is special to you, Cherish it, have a blast.
Feel the love, give love and enjoy this moment
that this experience and don’t take it for granted.
And for all the single ladies, let us bring that abundance of love
and go by your own flowers, write your name on a book, publish
your poems and write your name on the sand, do whatever it is that
you want and remember, music moves you and you move with music.
So if you do ♪ and text 818-221-2797 with the word love, I have
a gift of 10 minute audio recording for you to attract love.
Again, 818-221-2797 and #textthewordlove. That’s all you have to do,
not #buttextthewordlove and you will receive an audio recording from me.
And the last thing I wanted to say about 25 years ago, there was a
club in Clendell and I’m bringing all this back into the Grammys.
I used to go country-western dancing, I used to dance four nights a week.
And I didn’t know anything about country-western because I love dancing, I
do my Armenian folk, lower dancing, my authentic, as a Persian dancer,
Armenian dancing, everything we just love to dance, eat music, write abundance.
And I was trained in ballroom dancing, so country was new, it was
different, this country-western, cha-cha and tango and line dancing.
So as I’m at the club that night, on a Thursday night,
they used to bring performance and that time, 30
years ago, the performer who came and was teaching
us line dancing was not other than Billy Ray Cyrus.
That’s it, himself. I met him in person, he came to
the dance floor and he was teaching us his number
one hit that was just about to hit the number
one charts for country music, achy, breaky heart.
And at that time, I got to tell you, it was the number one thing
to do is that country-western line dancing, achy, breaky heart. And
so many years later, my lease Iris gets her Grammy with the song,
not achy, breaky heart, but flowers, which is the most loving way.
Women love to be cherished. Number one, flowers, gifts,
chocolate, and of course yes, hugs, cuttles and everything else.
So from Billy Ray Cyrus to my lease Iris, love is
all or more when we look, we fight. It’s from within.
And make a difference to all those around you,
either by service or by a loving hand. And with that,
I want to say thank you again for all your texts
messages. Be sure to subscribe and like and share.
My name is Liza, your expert hip-nail therapist. May you
have an amazing Valentine’s. I’ll see you next week. Bye-bye.
Stay tuned next week is going to be amazing. God bless you
and May the Universal Lights surround you always. Bye-bye.
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