Safety – Within and Without
Safety is a concept that often conjures images of locks on doors and security systems. However, true safety extends far beyond the physical realm—it is a state of mind, a sense of security that comes from within. Today, on National Safe Day, we explore this inner safety and how hypnosis can help us achieve it.
Safety is not merely the absence of threat; it’s the presence of peace. It’s the comfort of sitting alone in silence, the confidence of driving through bustling traffic, and the tranquility of being in nature. On National Safe Day, we’re reminded that safety is multifaceted, encompassing our physical environment and internal world.
Hypnosis, often misunderstood, is a natural state we enter daily. It’s the zone we slip into while watching TV or driving without conscious thought. It’s the automatic nature of our daily routines, from brushing our teeth to our morning rituals. These moments, free from analysis or judgment, are akin to hypnosis—a state of being that’s both ordinary and profound.
The power of hypnosis lies in its ability to tap into the subconscious, where our deepest fears and patterns reside. By accessing this part of ourselves, we can address the root causes of our insecurities and transform our perception of safety. A client’s story illustrates this beautifully: a traumatic experience left her fearful of parking under trees, but through hypnosis, she was able to overcome this fear and reclaim her sense of safety.
Safety within is as crucial as safety without. It’s the knowledge that we can handle life’s unexpected challenges, that we’re in control, and that we’re secure in our own skin. When we feel safe within, we project that safety outward, creating a protective aura that extends to our surroundings.
Safety is a delicate balance between the external world and our internal landscape. By nurturing both aspects, we can live in a state of readiness and resilience. Hypnosis bridges this inner sanctuary, empowering us to find safety within and project it without. Let’s commit to fostering this sense of safety today and every day as we journey through life’s unpredictable paths. Remember, when we are safe within, we are safe everywhere.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend the Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device for listening. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
Safety Within and Without Video
Transcript of Safety Within and Without
Welcome to Heal Talk Tuesdays with Liza, where
transformation begins as we evoke, embrace, and evolve.
Greetings, greetings, greetings, greetings, and welcome to Heal Talk
Tuesdays. This is Liza. It’s so good to be here with you, isn’t it?
I hope you are feeling absolutely amazing and having a great week.
Do you know that today is considered national, safe, a day?
And also, cognac, day. And why is that that I’m thinking about this?
Because I just had a sniff, and this aroma from
being in nature and being open to all our senses, not
only feeling safe in the wilderness, and on a beautiful
trail, but especially being safe within ourselves.
So, let’s delve into it and talk about
national, safe, day, which reminds me, safety
is in such a multifaceted concept that extends beyond the physical protection.
It includes feeling of safe and secure within ourselves.
The work that I do have noticed is a lot of people think what’s
going to happen if I go into hypnosis, am I going under hypnosis?
So, first and foremost, there is no under, because hypnosis is
a natural state. You go in and out of hypnosis every single day.
And yes, when you are watching TV, you get into that zone,
right, in that Zen state, watching TV, and then you go into
this beautiful cat nap, and you’re drifting off, and then you
open your eyes, and you drift off, and you open your eyes.
And, or when you’re driving a car from the moment you get into a car, you don’t
think about shifts, except putting it in drive, and doing everything automatic.
So, a lot of the things we do, a lot of things that you
do, your behaviors, your habits, the things you do that
is literally auto-made it already, like brushing your
teeth, you don’t think about it, you do it for a minute.
Most people are supposed to do it for two minutes, and do you tie
yourself. So, realizing this is such an automatic thing, getting up in the
morning, doing your routines, when you have a routine, you do the same
thing over and over and over, it’s like being in that state of hypnosis.
Without thinking, without analyzing, judging,
you do the things, and unless something
comes and disrupts that moment, you’re in that state of being, which is hypnosis.
So, I take my clients into that deep state of being within themselves.
So, as we recognize this national safe day, I want us to commit nurturing
the self, and nurturing both aspects of safety within ourselves and outside.
So, do you feel safe with it?
Feeling safe inside out is literally the same
thing. A lot of people I know who come to me,
they don’t feel safe with their partners,
right? They don’t feel safe within themselves.
So, let’s take a moment and assess this sense of safety. Do you feel safe
being home alone? Do you feel safe driving in traffic on the freeway?
I have a client who came in because she had an
accident. Well, it was not really an accident.
She was sitting in the car in front of her
son’s school. She dropped them off and she’s
sitting in the car texting and then suddenly,
because she was parked under a big tree,
this tree for whatever reason falls on top of
the hood and that sound, the big you sound.
The big you sound and the unexpected tremor of the car moving puts her into a
shock. Now, that shock, it was so bad that it cracked the window. So, to her that
cracked the window, the sound of that tree branched the tree, breaking off from the
root and hitting the hood of the car, it put such a shock that the shock that’s.
Stays in the muscle, it created a rippling effect. She didn’t realize that
then, of course, she got out of the car, then the fire engine comes and the
police comes and they have people from the school come to make sure that she’s
okay. They told the car. But that fear factor, the panic stayed inside her.
So, every time she wanted to go and park anywhere, she had to make sure that there
are no trees and that it created that rippling effect that she didn’t feel safe
under a tree. So, do you realize safety is such a fine line as to not only from the
outside but within herself. So, she didn’t feel safe being in the car by herself.
And it was only through hypnosis tapping within the subconscious that
we could easily shift the mindset from the core and for her to know that
she is safe within herself. That, yes, accident and do happen, which
there is a cause and an effect, right? But it was not there to harm her.
Okay. So, it’s not the intention was not to harm her. It was an accident with a cause
that the effect stayed within her. Once she realized that we could reverse that,
she felt safe enough to drive by herself and she felt safe when she is parking if
there was any tree that she is going to be okay and not every tree is going to fall.
To a few sessions, but it’s sunk yet. So, what we do is allow the conscious
mind to step aside so we can tap within the subconscious where the fear
factor started and empower her, that core that prior to that accident prior
to that incident prior to that story that I can no longer part of that.
No longer part under a tree, she’ll safe enough and validate
within herself and accept that she can handle so much more
that she’s in total control and she can drive and park
anywhere she wants through because she is safe with herself.
She is safe by herself, she is safe in the
car, she is safe in the streets, she is safe.
Safety is such a primitive and fine line. Most people who are in domestic
abusive relationships or domestic violence relationship do not feel safe.
I’m safe at home in the bedroom or within themselves with the partner.
So, being a DB consultant, I also know how to create safe
space, not only in my office but also within themselves.
So, how whether it’s improving your physical environment or seeking help
to enhance your inner peace, remember that feeling safe is your right.
It is how we are born, even feeling safe in your mother’s womb.
So, the emotional healing working through and with
hypnosis is by bypassing the subconscious mind and
releasing past traumas and reducing anxiety and
fostering this emotional resilience within yourself.
Also, it helps you build confidence when you feel
safe, you can go anywhere by yourself with yourself.
Go to restaurants, be in an elevator, go to a movie theater, go to
a bar and just be safe with yourself and knowing that all is well.
And here is something I can share years and years ago.
Hi, how are you?
Years ago, I used to go to Palm Springs and take a weekend by myself.
I would drive by myself and say, “Cencochao.”.
I would always go to a same hotel, my favorite hotel.
And in the evenings, I used to go and explore
restaurants every time a different restaurant.
So, I was giving myself a me time, a vacation time by myself for a one day.
I would leave Saturday morning, drive to Palm Springs, get
there, check into the hotel and go and lay at the pool.
I feel safe.
There’s all kinds of people who work there and swim, go to the room,
rest, evening, go to a restaurant, have my time, enjoy a good meal.
And then I used to go clubbing.
This is like about many years ago, many, many years ago.
And here’s what I would do to create a safe space within myself.
I knew the owner of the restaurant who his brother owned the club.
So, the bartender was his nephew.
And we had a deal.
Tony would call his nephew and say, “I’ve got
my guest, Liza is coming, you take care of her.”
So, I had already created and established a safe space, not
only with Tony to the restaurant, the Italian restaurant.
Some of you may know where I’m talking about.
And going to the club with Tony’s nephew, and I would sit
at the corner of the bar and we had this understanding.
I would leave my purse with his nephew under the bar if I needed to.
And then, if I wanted to dance, I would get up and dance.
And if someone was dancing with me, I would be
more than happy to dance with just about anyone.
And as long as it was a dance.
And if I felt there was, someone is crossing
the line that I feel unsafe or uncomfortable,
not even unsafe, but uncomfortable with someone,
I would say, his nephew is my boyfriend.
So, watch it.
And I would go to the bar and just let him know.
This person, and he would take care of him.
Now, that’s creating safety.
Having the confidence to know what to do.
Because, just like yesterday, someone said, “I’m afraid of being in
an elevator because, you know, I went to a birch califa in Dubai.”
And we went to a 150-4 story looking out and I felt
safe, not once the few factor of height, come into me.
But there are others who even getting an elevator, they feel unsafe.
So, feeling unsafe, is it because you’re not safe with yourself.
You’re not feeling safe in a small, confined space.
You’re not feeling safe because somebody else might
be in the elevator or the elevator may break down.
So, do you see, I make sure that we literally
unravel all parts of what is safe or unsafe for you.
Now, if there is a fear factor or anxiety, anxiety is a response to a fear factor.
A fear factor is in response to a cause.
Everything is a rippling effect.
So, through my work, we unravel in order for us to understand.
Most times, your conscious mind does not know it or
ignores or cannot remember why, but your subconscious,
which is the powerful part of you, that has stored all
the information, knows exactly where the cause was.
And that’s the work we do.
So, confidence is feeling secure within yourself.
Plus, we reduce the stress factors by giving you tools,
techniques, and hypnosis promotes the state of relaxation
and reduces your stress factor, creating a calm, safe
place within yourself, not only mentally, emotionally,
but also physically.
So, in my practice, I provide just safe space.
In the chair, my office from the moment you walk in, creating
a safe space of knowing that you are safe at all times.
There is no judgment, there is no questioning, it’s
just accepting what is and dealing with what surfaces.
So, feeling safe is essential, providing for my clients, and knowing that
in order for any healing to happen, you must feel safe with yourself.
To connect to your emotions, and express what
it is that you feel, what it is that you want.
It’s like, I had a client of mine who came in for smoking, as he said.
I cannot say how wonderful it is for me not to even think about cigarettes during
lunchtime, when it’s lunchtime, and I don’t have to go outside and even smoke.
I don’t even have to think about it.
I don’t even think about it when I’m in the car.
It’s not working, it’s no longer a part of my life, and I
don’t know what happened, how it happened, but I thank you.
So, knowing the powers in your hand, your mind is so powerful,
whatever it has created, it can literally say goodbye to it.
And whatever you have said goodbye to it,
realizing that you had something to do with it.
Hi, Jimmy! How are you?
You know, the fact is, I want to say thank you.
Thank you to those who, yes, I appreciate when
you come in here when you share something.
To those who call me, message me, or when they see me, they say thank you for your
messages because I hear it, I listen to it, and I have shared it with so many.
And I want to say thank you to each and every one of you who
refer the clients to us, and I am humbled and grateful to that.
You know, it’s not always being tapped on the shoulder, but every single
referral is a testimonial to the work that I do, making it impact in your life.
So, in closing, I want to say, being safe is your right.
And you no longer need to walk on eggshells in order
for you to make an impact, or say that they matter.
I want you to know that you too matter.
You matter, your life matters, your safety matters, and it starts with you.
You deserve as much happiness as others.
And it’s not about sacrifices that you have to
make, because sometimes we have to know certain
things are duty, certain things are tasks,
and other things is because it is your right.
And I know the person who needs to hear this is getting it.
You deserve as much to be loved and appreciated
and accepted as you give so much to others.
My name is Lase Boubari, and I am here for you.
And until next week, made a universal light surround you
at all times so you feel safe no matter where you are.
Starting from this moment, except and appreciate yourself, new dyspletch
of accepting and appreciating who you are and knowing that you do matter.
And every day in every way you get better and better,
not as good as tomorrow, but better than yesterday.
And today is the beginning to say yes to you.
God bless you and made a universal light surround you always.
You are safe today no matter where you are.
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