
New You for 22

A New You for 22

Ready to STEP into The NEW YOU for 22? Release Anxiety, Let Go of Limiting Beliefs, and Breakthrough Fears? You CAN!

How Do You Project Yourself

How Do You Project Yourself

We’re all a ball of energy -what you think and believe comes out of you as a vortex of energy that will project all around you.


Course – Being Thankful for You

What you want, what you desire, dreams can become a reality. All you have to do is say, “I am ready.” for this course.

How to Clear Guilt and Shame

How to Clear Guilt and Shame

How do you clear guilt and shame? Labels become potent, become your medicine. Liza can show you how to heal within.

How to Stop Smoking

How to top Stop Smoking

My clients have an 87% success rate when they use the Stomp on Smoking workbook and listen to my audio recording, Stop Smoking, for 33 days.

How to release past trauma

How to Release Past Trauma

Follow along about how to release past trauma. Find comfort in the autumn and release your past trauma. Get a free audio gift!

Circle Exercise

Your Energy is With You

Do the exercise and see where you are spending your energy. It might surprise you. Get a free audio gift!

Cancer and Mental Health

Cancer and Mental Health

Learn about early cancer prevention and how mental health affects and can prevent cancer. Get a special gift.