The Power of I Am
The power of the words I am defines yourself to the world and offers a valuable definition of who you are. Today we have a guided visualization and
Thank you all for all your emails and messages with questions. Thank you always for your messages, for listening to my podcast, and for subscribing to my YouTube channel.
Recently, I received an email that asked:
Dear Liza. I am so happy – I got to watch the Self-care and Self love segment you had on YouTube. My question is: I am so frustrated with my sister that even seeing her makes my skin crawl to a point I am anxious for the rest of the day. What can I do to control this?
Guided Visualization
If you are somewhere, you can take a few moments, just two moments, two minutes. Take a two-minute break, sit back, relax. Take a nice deep breath. And exhale.
One more time, nice deep breath. Bring it in oxygen and vitality, and fulfill the body. And exhale. Releasing, letting go. Letting go of all things, that is not really important at this moment. Not at this moment. Just give yourself two minutes.
And when you have a moment to smile, become aware of your body, no matter where you are, that you are safe. And gently close your eyes. That’s it.
And just listen to these words. And you can use these words
at any time to empower yourself to validate yourself. And we start.
- I am blessed.
- I am prosperous.
- I am valuable.
- I am free.
- I am successful.
- I am talented.
- I am loving.
- And lovable.
- I am healthy and in shape.
- I am positive and smart.
- I am passionate.
- I am strong.
- I am confident.
- I am safe.
- I am secure.
- I am disciplined.
- I am determined.
- I am kind.
- I am patient.
- I am victorious.
- I am beautiful.
- I am attractive.
- I am happy.
- I am energetic.
- I am loving.
- I am forgiving.
- I am forgiving.
- I am motivated.
- I am focused.
- I am generous.
- I am patient.
- I am empowered.
- I am well able.
- I accept and appreciate myself for who I am.
- I am proud of myself.
Additional Tools
HealWithin also offers audio recordings for sleep, stress reduction, and self-esteem.

Can I Hypnotize Myself?
Yes, it’s called self-hypnosis. Hypnotherapy empowers you by providing tools to manage stress in your daily life. You can learn self-hypnosis techniques, enabling you to enter a state of relaxation whenever needed. These techniques can be practiced at home, allowing you to take control of their stress levels independently. My audio recordings can help guide you.
Self-hypnosis is so powerful that I have undergone several dental surgeries without anesthesia or painkillers. You can see me on YouTube having dental surgery with only self-hypnosis.
More Information
My Recommended Audio Recording
I have made audio recordings for self-hypnosis specifically to address certain issues. I recommend Build Confidence and Stress No More recordings. Download the recording and save it to your device to listen. Find a quiet and comfortable place as you allow hypnosis to happen.
Related Posts and Videos
- Self-Love vs Self-Esteem
- Frequently Asked Questions About Hypnotherapy
- Unlocking the Power of the Mind
Book an Appointment with Me
Schedule a Complimentary Consultation: Text I MATTER to +1 818 221 2797 or visit HealWithin.
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Until next week, God bless you, and may the universal light surround you.
Transcript of Hypnosis for Diabetes
Welcome to Heal Talk Tuesdays with Liza, where
transformation begins as we evoke, embrace, and evolve.
Greetings, greetings, greetings, and welcome to Heal Talk
Tuesdays with Liza. It’s so good to be here with you, isn’t it?
Well, I am so grateful for being here with you. Today is going to be absolutely
amazing. I’ve got messages and everything that is going to be impactful for you.
So, let’s get to it. First and foremost, I want to let you know that I get your
messages, I get your calls, and thank you for messaging me and emailing me.
If you don’t know me, I’m your expert, hypnotherapist, Liza
Boubari, and guess what? Today we’re going to be talking about
something that is very profound and yet so simple, because it’s
about words, how we use words, how it makes an impact in your life.
So to start off, I want to say thank you so much,
because I was at an event, actually, this last week.
I got two wonderful, two different people who are, I believe,
pillars in my community, give me a not a testimonial,
but they shared how my messages make a difference that
they do watch my videos on Facebook, and one even on video.
Afterwards, not during this time, because not everyone
can have the time to come on on Heal Talk Tuesdays at 12
o’clock on Tuesdays. But you do watch, and she was saying
how impactful they are, and that they make a difference.
One of them said, “I know I don’t write
anything, and most people may not be writing, but
keep doing it because the messages truly resonate,
and she has shared it with someone else.”.
So again, I want to say thank you, which reminds me how much of things do you do in
life that people don’t recognize or don’t say anything, but they do appreciate you.
And you don’t feel it, you don’t hear it, you don’t
know about it, but you know what, keep doing it.
So most likely, it’s not news to you that words truly matter,
everything I do as a clinical hypnotherapist when we do the hypnosis,
when we do the power suggestions on our audio recording, even
with talking with clients from the moment a client walks in,
from what they want, and where we take them, you know, where we
guide them to tap into their subconscious mind, it is a shift.
So it is a shift from where you are to where you want to be, and
we always take you to where you want to be for the better, right?
Because that’s the change we want to make in our life, always for the better.
Now it could be healthier or not, or it’s good for
you, or not for someone else, but it’s better for you.
So, and words, it’s all about how we perceive our world and ourselves.
So what this email that I got, it was an email that I received, it
prompted me, and I want you to, I want to read a part of this email.
It says, “Dear Liza, I am so happy I got to watch self care and self love
segment you had on YouTube.” So not on Facebook, but later on on YouTube.
My question is, I am so frustrated with my sister that even seeing her
makes my skin crawl to a point, I am anxious for the rest of the day.
What can I do to control the situation, Margaret?
So, I’m Margaret.
If you are watching this during daytime or YouTube, I hope what I am about
to say, not only to you, but anyone who’s watching this makes a difference.
First, the two words, I am.
I want you to become aware of how powerful the words are.
Not only I am, is validating who you are, not
what you are, because you talk about seeing
your sister makes your skin crawl, which is a physical reaction to the words you speak.
And it’s not so much the words you say, “I am.”.
“Are you?” “Are you this all the time?”
Or only when you see her.
It is only when you see her.
But when you say, “I am anxious for the rest of the day” is because you carry
that moment and the skin that affects your body throughout the rest of your day.
You can stop it from the moment you do not see her.
So, the control is in your hands.
You are in total control of how it affects you and how long you can carry it.
You can carry it from the moment you are no longer seeing her,
put a period right there, or allow it to be in the same direction.
So, that’s where I want to start because I want to go further into this word I am.
As humans, we enjoy defining so much.
The world is in a pretty crazy place nowadays and knowing what and who
we are helps us deal with this chaos, especially when you see your skin.
Especially when it comes to definitions that we have and clarify the words
because the word I am can enhance and clarify something or limit you.
So, let’s say, “I am an only child.” It is a fact.
So, the truth and the fact, it is how we define the word I am.
When questions because the two words are so powerful, it is also a process and you
can begin to validate, to understand and become more aware of how you use the word.
Which reminds me, if you go to, I have
a blog and yesterday’s blog was all about my 33-day process.
When you continue a thought, a decision, when you want to make a change for
the better or any change in your life, go check out my blog and it’s the 33-day
habit. How you can change a habit from zero to something that you want in 33 days.
And that’s changing a habit. And when you continue three
times that, which is over three months, it becomes 99. Right?
And nine becomes the process of birthing and completion. It becomes your new way
of being and behaving, not who you are. Again, not that I am, but the process.
So, let’s talk about using these words of I
am as an unconditional and avoiding the truth
or not. When someone is a mother, I am a
mother, a husband, a sibling. Those are truth.
So, there is no doubt that you are all that. When asked, so,
who are you? What do you do? And we respond and if you respond,
I am a writer. I am an attorney. I am, and you finish the
sentence with the titles that you have as work that you do.
Or I am a runner. I am a tennis player. Is that who you are? Is
that a fact? Because are you writing all day long? Or you playing
tennis all day long? Because here’s a simple way. When they ask me,
so, what do you do? Who are you? And I say, by trade, I am a kid.
I am a clinical hypnotherapist. Who I am is a human being. I’m a daughter. And
that, again, is a title. And yet, I am a daughter to my mother all the time.
The fact that I am a daughter does not change. So, statements might refer to
part of who you are. And it’s not all of who you are. Here’s another thing.
When you say, I am anxious, you start validating being
anxious all day long. And you get to own. I am anxious.
Just like someone who says, I am fat. I am ugly. I am
not wordy. I am broke. I am sad. We get to own the I am.
And everything is not and I am. You are not sad all the
time. You are not broke all the time. You are not fat
all the time or ugly all the time. So, if you are
overweight, if you are not fat, you are not fat all the time.
If you are feeling, my body is fat. I am in this body. So,
I want you to differentiate the things that who you are
all the time because our weight is like a yo-yo. We can be
sad. And when we see something beautiful or makes us laugh,
we laugh. That means it breaks the sadness. You can be sad and
laughing. I understand. It is not who you are. So, it’s I am
in certain adjective. And the more you start identifying yourself
with that trait, you realize that you take ownership of the.
The I am. I am strong. I am beautiful. I am overweight. But I can control.
And if I am out of control, let me find out how I can take control. And
that’s exactly what you ask me. How do I control this? And I want to say
thank you, Margaret, for the email because not only you said the words,
I am anxious throughout the day. I want you to know how you can control is
by recognizing. It affects your body, your organs. And when you say it makes
your skin crawl, that means you are now aware how it’s affecting your body.
And you can make the change. You can make sure that when you go somewhere,
that your sister is not there. Or you can. Here is the magic of what
self-hypnosis can do. If you want to do meditation or you use the 33-day journal
by the empowering words that I will be more than happy to share with you
and everyone. It can start making an impact in who you are validating.
You can get way more positive, powerful words that
empower you and impact the who you are. Practicing this
can help you use and shift your perception. Truly
shift your perception of how your sister affects you.
Or her existence in that time and space affects you. Because she cannot
affect you all the time. You are not in front of her in her presence
all the time. Or when you think about her. And here is the thing. Just
the same way. The word love. We use somebody of us used the word love.
All the time. We use it. I love this glass. I love my flowers.
I love you. I love. Okay. Do you really love? And we use
it with our children, with other people. And again, to punish
or to say I don’t love it is different. I’ve shared this.
And it’s the same thing as I am, but in a different way. When
we want to justify something, you can turn around and say
I love you who you are. And yet, I did not appreciate what
you said and what you did. So it’s the action. I am a woman.
I am a daughter. By trade, I’m a clinical hypnotherapist
or whatever it is. It’s a title that I have taken on. And
yet, when I want to say I am brave. Is validating. That I
am brave. I am strong. I am beautiful. And that is who I am.
And I say those words to empower the inner self and to remind myself,
those are who I am. And when I start owning that, it becomes more powerful
for me. Because everything starts with you for you to believe in who you
are. And when you say the words, oh gosh, I’m so stupid. Are you stupid?
Or you said or did something that in your perception or somebody
else’s perception was stupid. It’s not who you are. It’s what you said
or did. And the same thing with our children or siblings or anyone.
It’s like, oh, you are so whatever, right? Are they that all the time?
All the time? No. We get angry when someone cuts in front of us
and we yell or we get upset and all that stress factor or the road
rage that comes out and people say everything. Are they that or it
happened at this moron? When we say you’re such a moron, are they?
Is that the word that they are all the time? Or they just
did something that according to you, morons would do.
It’s the action. Not who that person is because I don’t
believe that person is either good or bad all the time.
So I hope that makes a little bit of a more clarity
for you or anyone while watching this because
the words I am, it is I am of God. I am a child
of God. I am this. And that truth does not change.
Everything else which is words to describe or to
clarify, to justify our actions, our words or what we
say and do will change, can change our habits or
behaviors and therefore what we believe in ourselves.
So as always, words are so powerful and I truly want you to be
more kinder and loving towards your skin, which is your biggest
organ in your body, that everything you say makes an impact.
Not only what you hear, what you see in front of the mirror.
And I have this thing, I used to say, I’m such a clutch, but I was
not. I may be, let’s see at that very moment, or I am a procrastinator.
So I’m I a procrastinator or I have tendencies
to procrastinate at certain things. And
we will be talking about that habits and that behavior more in the coming sessions.
So again, today I want to finish with a small little
guided visualization. And if you are somewhere that you can
take few moments, just two moments, two minutes. Take a
two minute break, sit back, relax. Take a nice deep breath.
And exhale.
One more time, nice deep breath. Bring it in, bring
in oxygen and vitality, fulfill the body of yours.
And exhale. Releasing, letting go. Letting go of all things, that is not really
important at this moment. Not at this moment. Just give yourself two minutes.
And when you have a moment to smile, become aware of your body, no
matter where you are that you were safe. And gently close your eyes.
That’s it. And just listen to these words. And you can use these words
at any time to empower yourself to validate yourself. And we start.
I am blessed.
I am prosperous.
I am valuable.
I am free.
I am successful.
I am talented.
I am loving.
And lovable.
I am healthy and in shape.
I am positive and smart.
I am passionate.
I am strong.
I am confident.
I am safe.
I am secure.
I am disciplined.
I am determined.
I am kind.
I am patient.
I am victorious.
I am beautiful.
I am attractive.
I am happy.
I am energetic.
I am loving.
I am forgiving.
I am forgiving.
I am motivated.
I am focused.
I am generous.
I am patient.
I am empowered.
I am well able.
I accept and appreciate myself for who I am.
I am proud of myself.
These I am.
Incorporate them within yourself.
You can use the 33-day method and repeat these
suggestions over and over daytime, nighttime
before you go to sleep.
And realize that the more you use these words,
your subconscious mind will come to believe in who you are in a kinder, loving way.
Because that is how you were born.
You were loved from the moment you took your
first breath and you were placed upon your
mother’s bosom.
You are not an accident.
You are loved.
Take a nice deep breath and as you exhale,
release, let go of all negativity and self-limiting beliefs.
And starting today, every day and every way,
realize that you become better and help you.
Better than yesterday.
Not as good as tomorrow.
And yet you do matter.
You matter to you, to your loved ones, and yes, to many more.
Who may not say it.
Who may not show it.
But you do.
And I want you to start this belief system from you.
So as you place your hand upon your chest, you see these words.
Every day in every way, I pledge allegiance to
accept and appreciate myself far more deeply than ever before.
I am.
And when you are ready, you can just open your
eyes, smile, and know that you are deserving of so much more.
Spread your arms, smile, and when you are
ready, you can get up and face this beautiful word.
This world that can be impacted by you would one word.
They can not only in your life, and as they
say, change your word, you change who you are.
And when you change who you are and the perceptions
that you believe about yourself, you change
your surroundings and that changes, the rippling
effect, someone else, and that someone can make a change in someone else.
And that’s how we make a difference.
So for today, I am grateful for being here
with you, and I believe I am blessed with all of you in my life.
That’s to me as abundance.
And I look forward to seeing you next week and
stay tuned for so much more that it’s about to come.
I look forward to seeing you next week and
until then God bless you and may the universal light surround you always.
See you then.
Bye bye.
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Do you know of someone who’s ready to change a habit or needs to heal within? contact me at:
I’m here for you.