
Hypnotherapy Vs Talk Therapy

Hypnotherapy and Talk Therapy – Differences

Hypnotherapy and Talk Therapy – Differences

Hypnotherapy vs talk therapy – they both have their places in mental health treatment. Hypnotherapy is excellent for focused, rapid intervention, while talk therapy provides a more extensive framework for long-term mental health improvement. Combining these therapies with mindfulness can offer a holistic mental and emotional well-being approach.

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Safety Within And Without

Safety – Within and Without

Safety – Within and Without

Safety is a concept that often conjures images of locks on doors and security systems. However, true safety extends far beyond the physical realm—it is a state of mind, a sense of security that comes from within. Today, on National Safe Day, we explore this inner safety and how hypnosis can help us achieve it.

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Obesity Solutions

Obesity Solutions Through Hypnotherapy

Obesity Solutions Through Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy offers a unique and effective approach to tackling obesity by addressing the root causes of unhealthy eating habits and promoting lasting lifestyle changes.

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Putting Anxiety In The Cloud

Putting Anxiety in the Cloud

Putting Anxiety in the Cloud

Cloud? No, this is not about putting your anxiety into Dropbox or Google Drive; it’s about putting your anxiety in the clouds and letting it drift away. Watch the video as Liza leads you in a relaxation technique to take you from level 10 to level 5.

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Jazz To Reduce Internal Stress

Jazz to Reduce Internal Stress

Jazz to Reduce Internal Stress

Jazz music in your daily routine can serve as a powerful tool for reducing internal stress by banking joyful memories.

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Understanding Trauma

Understanding Trauma

Understanding Trauma

Hypnotherapy can help with understanding trauma, unveiling its profound impact on mental health, relationships, and overall well-being.

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Carl Povilaitis

Real Talk with Carl Povilaitis

Join Liza and Carl Povilaitis and the community for a splash of fun and charity at the Kiwanis Duck Race on May 4, 2024, at Verdugo Park.

Emotional Weight And Self Esteem

Self-esteem and emotional weight

Self-Esteem and Emotional Weight

Carrying emotional weight can significantly impact our self-esteem, but with the right tools, such as hypnotherapy, we can lighten the load and reclaim our sense of worth.

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Are You Afraid Of Change

Are You Afraid of Change?

Are You Afraid of Change?

Embracing change can be daunting, but with the right tools and mindset, it can lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

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Consequences And Coincidences Hw

Consequences and Coincidences

Consequences and Coincidences

Exploring the concepts of consequences and coincidences suggesting there are no coincidences and everything happens in a sequence.

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